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English CS2DTibia - RPG >

665 comments364 kb, 22,251 Downloads

old CS2DTibia - RPG

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Minor fix, only npcs.lua is modified from previous version.
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No need to update if you do not need these additions, as you may have to modify your additions to fit this version.

Also, I'm sincerely sorry to DC as people have been creating threads in the forum in the wrong section etc.

Forum post:

It's just a simple RPG-like game. Too many features, so I'll just name the few ones that make the script unique.

∗ NPC system, very similar to the one in Tibia. It allows buying and selling of items, quests and stuff.

∗ Monster system, featuring Pokemon. (I can't find pictures, so my friend recommended me a Pikachu, and I ended up with all my monsters being pokemons.) The attacking of monsters is very hacky, as I couldn't find a way to see if the player is attacking monsters. I ended up looping through all the monsters and using a bit of trigo to calculate if they are hitting them.

∗ Leveling & money system. Players can gain experience and money. The amout of money & experience you have is shown in the lower right hand corner of your screen.

∗ Items system. You can drop & collect items, drop & collect money. Trading was implemented, but removed. I might re-add it if I find the need to.

∗ Inventory & Equipment system. The system is simple, F2 to access your inventory and F3 to access equipment. Simple items like runes & food.

∗ Simple weather & time system. Just 24 hours a day, with the radar showing the clock & an item used to check time. (the clock can be seen in screenshots)

∗ House system. Based on Tibia's housing system, you can rent a house for some money, and the house will expire after 24 hours. You can also extend the duration of rent by paying extra.

∗ Saving system, based on U.S.G.N. id. Saves characters, map items, house information, current weather & time, etc.

You MUST run this script on a dedicated server. "join" hook does not work on listen servers. (ignore this, fixed in CS2D

For those who are complaining that this is not Tibia,
It's called CS2DTibia because it is a base script for making Tibia-like RPGs. The Pokemon version is just an example of what it can look like if made properly.

If I do not call it Tibia, people will start to complain that many elements of the game were stolen from Tibia.

Incomplete RPG script I made.
Still usable, though.
edited 8×, last 09.08.11 11:16:44 am
Approved by Starkkz

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Holy shit, look at the download counter!
I like it!


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Nice and old!
I like it!


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Great !
I like it!

old x

BANNED Off Offline

best ever
I like it!

old good

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Yo weiwen cool make new things like speed strenght atack
I like it!


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You are really good lua programmer WEIWEN wooohooo!
I like it!


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@user Night Till Death: Ok i dont think you got what i said...
Its about you like it or not. What if its mega awesome but u just dont like it? Well i dont like it not because its bad or something.
I like it!

old ...

Enderwarrior - RUS
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I know, its best mod on unrealsoftware, but i dont like rpg, sorry, 2/5

Edit: 5/5! I like it! Awsome!
Ignore this:
Alien Warrior has written
I know, its best mod on unrealsoftware, but i dont like rpg, sorry, 2/5
I like it!
edited 3×, last 22.03.12 12:05:28 pm


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nice,rpg tibia cool
I like it!


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I have not downloaded it because I do not like RPG

more good work
I like it!


Deleted User

So funny, you mean script is not very hard? or level training?
I like it!


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i make level 32 in only 3 days -.- its not very hard...
I like it!


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in cs2d version weiwens mod be easy, now its so hard make a new npc...
I like it!


Deleted User

No one, because weiwen will never come back.
Also theres nothing to update, as he said, this script is endless.
I like it!


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The developer already leave this project, better we take it to update it without weiwen? When weiwen come back to US we stop updating our tibia version. Who want do that?
I like it!


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I find neither a difference in lua are all the same RPG


Night Till Death
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@user WinterPwnd: - You probably suck at this (No offence) but your comment is not even constructive critic. - 'I dont like it' - Then please dont comment here and go away?
I like it!


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I dont like it.
I like it!


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@imtheshamman - to make your self admin, go to the lua you installed then open admin.lua with notepad then enter in your usgn id. And to lvl up type type !l addexp(id, amount), to give yourself a weapon type !i <weapon id>
@Xiatr - !drop <amount> nan is not a nil value so you have to to type :example !drop 1e+09
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