This map has been sitting in my folder unfinished. I originally planned to use it for the map contest, yet had lack of time to finish it due to work.
It took me a long time to get all the details in there (gfx, tiles, blending, lighting, FX etc). Today I decided to finish it and share it right here.

This map was made to ensure either very fast-paced shooting, or slow but sneaky construction and domination.
At both spawns there is a doorway to ensure you can quickly evade spawnkilling. In the middle there are also two switches on either side controlling the side gates to the center.
There are a lot of obstacles either as windows or as sort of machines. Make sure not to miss out on these opportunities to shoot someone right in the face from another room. I also added some spots which allows a person to walk further out stretching a little distance over the magma. These are excellent spots for the use of explosives, turrets or bullet spam.

edited 6×, last 13.06.15 11:28:20 pm
Approved by Leiche
188 kb, 544 Downloads