This gasmask that protect the wearer from inhaling toxic gases.
Which sense has this mask?
Can be used for a swat team or something..
What happend if i wearing this mask?
If you buy this gasmask then you're immune against the gas grenade.
How can i buy it?
Buy & drop with F2 (open a menu)
Have fun.
Please dont copy or reclaim as yours.
Changelog - gasmask v2
#added Pickup & drop
#changed !specialequip to actionkey f2
#added Pickup & drop
#changed !specialequip to actionkey f2
Thanks to
-Flacko for some scripting help.
-vectar666 - drop/pick up function+image
edited 3×, last 22.05.11 01:00:35 pm
Approved by GeoB99
9 kb, 960 Downloads