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Englisch Russian Localization

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alt Russian Localization

User Off Offline

Hi everyone I from Russia.Beforehand pardon for my english.I and many my friends much liked the givenned project.And me wanted to translate the play on russian language by simple way (edit the files of the play through note pad) but play to regret does not support the russian language. Who can help with this?

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

But you may with the following version to do support of the cyrillics?Or come whole system of the play to change?
2× editiert, zuletzt 02.05.08 20:03:24

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

Well.Excuse me for oof-topic.I could part in development of your project ,for instance beta tester or anything else?SHALL pleased help!us

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

DC: ASCII doesn't contain cyrillics (you need unicode), but maybe you could do a font where the latin letters are replaced with cyrillic ones.

Would be a pain to write, but a converter ("Cyrillic Unicode" to "fake cyrillic ASCII") could fix that.

And the incompatibility to "normal" German/English maps would hurt. Maybe one could think of another font number (like for s2 cmd msg) for this new font?

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

SHALL BEGIN work with change english letters on cyrillics in ASCII√

Can I change the cyrillics "incomprehensible symbols" in ANSII?
1× editiert, zuletzt 02.05.08 21:37:47

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

I have finished work! (In given picture ( I have changed "incomprehensible symbols on cyrillics )
Picture which I have remade,I converted in ANSII by means of "ASCII ART GENERATOR" was got .txt format
ONLY I do not know it is correct I all have done.... See my work and say that further to do... Where possible to load files???
1× editiert, zuletzt 02.05.08 22:50:36

alt Re: Russian Localization

Admin Off Offline

It does not help to change this image. I just showed this to you so that you can see which chars are available in ansi ascii.

alt Re: Russian Localization

Mc Leaf
Super User Off Offline

Are you able to write cyrillic letters in *.txt-files...? If, then open the file "strings.inf" in "mods\Stranded II\sys\". There have to be rows like

That's representing the main menu. Write something russian after the "=", start the game, and if the main menu appears with cyrillic letters, then there's a way to translate the game into russian language (maybe)...

EDIT: Hm... I just tested this, but doesn't work. Maybe DC (author of this game) will find a way.

1× editiert, zuletzt 03.05.08 01:06:41

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

YES I so and wanted to edit files these files, but we presently try to push cyrillics in ANSII
In what file I must change on cyrillics?
1× editiert, zuletzt 03.05.08 19:14:47

alt Re: Russian Localization

Mc Leaf
Super User Off Offline

Smarty hat geschrieben
YES I so and wanted to edit files these files, but we presently try to push cyrillics in ANSII
In what file I must change on cyrillics?

No, no, no...! That doesn't has any to do with "putting or painting cyrillics in some files"... I'm not such expert so I could explain it correctly... But as far as I know some programs only work with ASCII - but... better look <here>...

But... wait! There should be a way (forget it, if you're n00b...):

There a files "mods\stranded II\sys\gfx\font_*.bmp". So... there you'll find the graphical illustration of the latinum alphabet.
First step: Replace it with the graphical illustration of the cyrillic alphabet and note the bijection.
For example: You have replaced the latinum "N" with the cyrillic "H" (both letters sounds the same in their language). Also i.e. you left "O" and "K" as they're had been. So now you should be able to write cyrillic letters (unfortunately I couldn't give you a better example, because cyrillic letters will not be shown in this forum... ).
For example: You write "okno" in some *.inf or other text-file. The engine is now searching for the graphical illustration of the letter "n"... and is finding a "H" which will be shown on a button or whatever...

So this is very tricky. It seems that you'll have to write in latinium letters and are obtaining cyrillic ones...

I hope you understand what I meant, because that should work! I know, and I'm going to test it just as I will have time for that.

Mc Leaf hat geschrieben
That doesn't has any to do with "putting or painting cyrillics in some files"...

Edit: Oh... I have to admit... after all that seems to be bullshit...

alt Re: Russian Localization

Mc Leaf
Super User Off Offline

Dicker hat geschrieben
McLeaf's explanation is fine.
That's all I meant

Oh thanks! Is that what I have to understand under this funny
Dicker hat geschrieben

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

I am very angry, that rusiian letters are only in russian games. I will do something. I fail, then i will make translit. Is it good idea?

alt Re: Russian Localization

User Off Offline

Stranded 2 Rus ver allready exist!
or try this to download:
But i dont download this game, i am using english version, i dont know how good this translating

P.S. Thats not advertising, its link to rus version, but if you think what this is advertising, remove first link, pls dont remove rapidshare & letitbit
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