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English accessory.bmp Question ?!?

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old accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

How does it work exactly ?!?
Is there a limit of accessories per row/column ?!?
... I am asking this since I added 5 extra accessories per row
and I can't see nay of the other of the accessories below the 3rd row (counting from up to down) ...
I cold just paste the ones that don't show on the first 3 rows (making them usable) but this will not help me seeing the default accessories right, they will still be replaced by my custom ones.

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

Ok, i think i could just explain this in a set-by-set thingy, since I couldn;t say exactly what I emant when we were chattting on ur server.

Based on my knowledge of the game, and BlitzMax I will have to say that the following things are possible:

A. CC measures the width of the accesories file and stops u from having more than a certain amount of rows. ( to solve: try adding more hats to the side and see if the row number decreases. )

B. CC only allows a certain amount of accesories ( solve: IDK what to do here, since only DC can say what goes into the game )

C. You are resising the file too much and 3 rows looks like 5 to the CC exe.

Other than that I am not sure

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

Fixed ... Just added all the original accessories on a single row everything looks good now ...
edited 1×, last 01.10.10 03:44:32 pm

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

Admin On Online

you shouldn't change the size of this file. Carnage Contest will load 36 images from this file (each with a size of 32x40 pixels). nothing more and nothing less.

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

DC has written
you shouldn't change the size of this file. Carnage Contest will load 36 images from this file (each with a size of 32x40 pixels). nothing more and nothing less.

32x40? that explains a lot I always thought that it was 32x32. Lol, my mistake. But DC, will you ever let us make custom heads like sprays in CS2D? I meanever, like do you ahve plans to do it in some later version, i know a lot of people would love it

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

OK, thats nice to know I personally think that would be a great addition to an already great game. I think it would definatly make Mumu's job a lot easier

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

DC has written
[...]Carnage Contest will load 36 images from this file (each with a size of 32x40 pixels).[...]

1st of all thx for the info since I kinda tried everlasting to fit
56 accessories on one file witch is impossible at the moment.
I noticed that the tile size is 32x40 due the actual image size
(192x240) witch is 32x6 rows and 24x6 columns.
I get that the game is in its early beta and all but 36 accessories seem way to few (at least for me) since we are talking about teams of 6 members.
I don't know if you take suggestions or not but it wold be kinda cool if there was some kind of Hue system this wold add more variety to accessories without any external modifications to the file also the default accessory should be the brown hair (the player sprite being a bald) this way accessory makers should not worry about the brow hair getting in the way.

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

I guess that we will just have to wait ( and hope, with our eyes shut while praying ) until DC has a massive break through and somehow manages to find a way to do it without busting his brain. In the mean while have to stick ot only having 32 accessories, and not have bald player sprites to make fun at

old Re: accessory.bmp Question ?!?

User Off Offline

The hair is no biggie since you can resize the hats to that they will cover the hair.
Wow I never noticed that the hair changes shape if you fall or walk , it looks very nice.
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