√When asking for help:
•1- Describe what you're trying to achieve: This is essential, as it allows us to understand your code better (because we won't have to guess what are you doing) and we will be able to suggest to do things in a different way for making your code simpler or more efficient,
Or (in some cases) we will sadly have to tell you that what you're trying to achieve is impossible.
•2- Post your script: I think there's no need to explain why you should post your script (or atleast part of it, in case it's too big)
•3- Describe your problem: It will never be enough with saying
Noob has written
This LUA skript not work, fix its pleaze. The cat is under the table, lololol.
[posts long copy-pasted and/or lamely modified class script]
If you write something like that I will seriously think you're mentally unable to program in Lua and I will have wasted my bandwidth and time reading your lame post.
Please, when you describe your problem use decent spelling and grammar. This is a forum, not a freaking chat.
"This doesn't work" is not a valid description, you should write a decent text that is convincent enough to make me think you're putting some effort into this. Try to articulate an english text that looks like this:
Good boy has written
Hello, I was trying to make a script that whenever X condition is met, Y thing should happen, however, when I run my script nothing happens even though X is met and this error Z is written in console. Here is my script [script]. Thanks beforehand.