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Englisch Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

@user Mami Tomoe: The U.S.G.N. works differently from what you are apparently thinking.

The U.S.G.N. itself never actively pings any servers. It uses a heartbeat system. Servers ping the U.S.G.N. every 45 seconds to tell it that they are still alive. If a server doesn't ping for 3 minutes it is removed from the list.
This approach is more efficient than what you suggested.

The usgn.php website is just a read only representation of the server list. It has no effect on the actual server list in any way and is not a part of the U.S.G.N. master server at all. Info requests for details are only executed on demand (when a user clicks a server) and are cached for a few seconds. There is no optimization required for that either. Also pinging all the servers regularly just for that page would cause much more traffic and would be less efficient.

That page is basically a little extra to give people the possibility to check the status of a specific server online. It's not meant to be a replacement for the much more powerful in-game server list.

(the technical problem with the web server list is that all the pinging has to go through the web server which is not cool. Unfortunately it's still not possible to open plain UDP sockets in web browsers via JavaScript. Otherwise I could ping the servers directly via the client connection just like in the game)

@user MikuAuahDark: I can't simply enforce that because of CS2D. I'll check if I can enable it for everything but the CS2D client. Thanks. Actually... I guess the CS2D client just ignores that header anyway so it shouldn't be a problem.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

I didn't really have a look into HTTP2 but I guess it would actually be quite trivial to enable it and it shouldn't cause issues either because it's fully backwards compatible. I could give it a try...

√ HSTS should now be enabled for all websites

For HTTP2 I may have to do some more changes because of PHP. So I won't try it now. But probably later because it comes with some fancy improvements. So thanks for the idea
1× editiert, zuletzt 25.06.20 20:13:20

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Alpha Beta
User Off Offline

I already mentioned this idea on the Discord server, but I will do it here as well.

I would like to see something like a "thank you" or upvote function for posts on the Unrealsoftware forum. But DC said he will update the entire website first to make it mobile-friendly.

Good idea or not?

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

That's right. Those comics use Flash (which finally dies now) and I'm not very motivated to export them as something non-flashy in some way.

I removed the navigation section for them. The page is still online ( but you probably need to use an old browser from hell to view them and/or allow Flash content explicitly.

@user medeiros: Very true. Adjusted the link page accordingly.

alt Linx

User Off Offline

When you add a ‘Nofollow’ tag, then you are telling the search engine not to follow the hyperlink and pass any link juice. There is no value for these type of tags and search engines will not crawl that link.

thread us Website Updates
user DC, 02.04.21 hat geschrieben
• In the entire forum, in file descriptions and in comments links are now only visible to users who are logged in! This way spammers can't try to trick search engine rankings by placing links because search engines crawl the site without account login and therefore can't see the placed links at all.

What am I missing? Or does the funky old fart :DDD miss something?

Basically I don't agree with crippling users who might visit here from search engines (even if these very search engines end up promoting the "few top 1000 alexa" websites more than they deliver relevant results from across the web) - i.e. there're less and less users coming in from search engines every year.

Still, feels too radical for me, if nofollow indeed works.

alt footer update

User Off Offline

This is something pretty small and insignificant but for a perfectionist's sake, the copyright details in the footer should be updated, replacing the last part of "© Unreal Software, 2003-2020" with 2021.

Speaking of the footer, gotta love the "This website is using cookies because they are delicious" part lmao never take that out pls

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

Thanks for the feedback. I can give the nofollow approach a try!

Will update the copyright dates too. Glad to hear that you like the cookie part

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

@user Marcell: That works fine for me if it is loaded via ajax directly on (that happens when you point at a user name). It's made for that use case only and should never be used from any other website/service/whatever.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

One problem with Unrealsoftware file archive: the comments. Because they are posted in the opposite order as posts in the forum they are confusing. You could do an update, change the order of the comments, and write a little memo that displays directly above and below the comment section to tell users it changed so people that have used the comments don't get confused at the switch of order.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin On Online

The idea behind that is that a thread needs to be read in order (top to bottom). File comments however don't behave like a thread in most cases. They refer to the file (which is always at top anyway) most of the time and not to previous comments. Therefore it's more convenient to always see the newest comments on top.

I prefer to keep it like that. I agree that it is a bit confusing though.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Ok user DC, so my suggestions:
• Emoji not displaying correctly usually
(for some emoji works fine). Maybe you need some lib to convert emoji idk. PhpBB3 is converting emoji to svg and they using twemoji AFAIK.
• Make api accessible for http (now it's moving 301 to https)
• Allow to specify what data return from api for example
returns these data in comma separated list
1× editiert, zuletzt 13.05.21 23:27:12
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