If you don't know yet, similar to CS2D, Roblox also uses Lua but not just Lua, it is Luau which is a highly modified version of Lua 5.1, the difference is it is better, optimized, and easier to use Luau Official Website. If you have good knowledge with Lua, then you'll take no longer than a week to also understand and be able to use Luau. There is also no latency between Roblox API and Lua calls to the game API. Not only that, Roblox also provides scripts and localscripts, just as the names say, Scripts run on the Server (provided free by Roblox), and the Localscripts run on the client, this way you don't have to worry about performance-related issues, animating, and other stuff. It also clears the path for many other fun stuff.
The game will be the first Roblox game ever where you'll be able to create Shirts for Roblox while being in-game so easily in any platform (PC/Mobile/IPad/Console/Xbox/VR), we have made editing shirts so easy that it has never been that easy before.
How does that work?
Roblox doesn't provide anything for the Developers to be able to upload shirts directly to Roblox through the Roblox game servers, but it provides Http Service, even though it has its limitations, we still can use it to communicate with our VPS. Our VPS will communicate with the Roblox game servers, take their requests, create a Shirt for Roblox with the requested things by the user, and then upload it to Roblox, and send the data back to the Roblox game servers.
Why no one has done it before?
Because it is not a easy process,
We've dealt with everything above, however, that's not the issue we have anymore. We just need help with the Roblox Game with UI designing / map designing, and scripters. If you're interested, please join our Discord Server discord.gg/shirts
- Thanks to @ Marcell and shock.lol for hosting.
- Thanks to @ MikuAuahDark for helping with many issues we faced, and scripting.
- Many others
edited 3×, last 19.02.24 05:10:11 pm