
Stranded II Release (EN)
10 replies

You can´t understand us because we speak german

sry for my very bad english ^^'
However there will be an english version of Stranded II after the german one is finished.
(me, the developer of stranded/stranded II is german so this website is german too - which may lead to some problems with understanding what it says if you don't speak german

edited 1×, last 07.01.06 04:05:35 pm
Goldenluke's qualification for german-to-english translation is comparable to a jellyfish's for rock-climbing.

For all english-speaking gamers' sake, if an external employee will be necessary, let it be someone else.
Gast has written
Ok I hope it will be finished soon, I love playing survival games! Whens it coming out? And why can I not understand what you guys are saying? I speak English!
GoldenLuke has written
was willst du, ewok?
Als Meisterübersetzer dürfte es dir keine Probleme bereiten, das herauszufinden.
"Stranded II Release (EN)"
also mach mich nicht so an, junge
Ich schließe mal präventiv. Die Sache hier ist eh geklärt.