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ARG (Alternate reality game)
ARG (Alternate reality game)
4 replies HI bin auf der suche zu Reality game übe r Alternate reality game gestolpert! weis einer von euch was das is?
scheint ganz lustig zu sein aber was es damit auf sich hat blick ich nit! lternate Reality Gaming is, according to CNET, " obsession-inspiring genre that blends real-life treasure hunting, interactive storytelling, video games and online community...
"These games are an intensely complicated series of puzzles involving coded Web sites, real-world clues like the newspaper advertisements, phone calls in the middle of the night from game characters and more. That blend of real-world activities and a dramatic storyline has proven irresistible to many."
These games (which are usually free to play) often have a specific goal of not only involving the player with the story and/or fictional characters but of connecting them to the real world and to each other. Many game puzzles can be solved only by the collaborative efforts of multiple players, sometimes requiring one or more players to get up from their computers to go outside to find clues or other planted assets in the real world. Ich hab vn nem Spiel gehört, was bald rauskommt, da rennste nur so in einer Welt rum.
Spielziel: keins
Mit Headset kannste chatten und die in deiner Nähe hörn das. Name ist mir leider entfallen...
Wäre DAS was für dich? @Dicker: klingt nach "Second Life"
Allerdings ist das längst draußen.
Ebenso wie Sims Online, und das entspricht auch weitestgehend deiner beschreibung.