
vote here your favourite map! xD
26 replies
Vote your map favourite!
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300BC_Sparta2 | 7.50% (6) | |
con_tinysandbox | 1.25% (1) | |
aim_shotgun | 3.75% (3) | |
awp_grey | 3.75% (3) | |
Desafios desconocidos | 3.75% (3) | |
ctf_CAN_Fort | 1.25% (1) | |
Desafios Desconocidos | 0.00% (0) | |
Formula 1 | 1.25% (1) | |
fy_industrial_V3 | 0.00% (0) | |
de_dust | 71.25% (57) | |
de_embrador | 1.25% (1) | |
dm_rpgwar | 0.00% (0) | |
dm_laser | 1.25% (1) | |
dm_grenades | 0.00% (0) | |
dm_guerilla | 0.00% (0) | |
Gran Deathrun 2.0 | 0.00% (0) | |
mini:prison | 1.25% (1) | |
sh_fortress | 0.00% (0) | |
shopping_mall_1.01 | 1.25% (1) | |
zm_street | 1.25% (1) |
80 votes cast

The original maker is unknown to me, and I'm probably the only person ever to host the map since the original maker did several years ago.
actually the best is the mod2.5 , but seeing as that is an inofficial edit...

The map is just a pure CS2D classic. At least in my opinion, but of course there is several other maps that are ALOT better designed that isn't even displayed on this list. You'd be amazed how many maps there is, at GameBanana I think there is at least ~1,000 in one section I looked at. More maps more variation, but I dislike maps that are lacking effort. We need more quality maps, definitely.

but i like my map called
you can see here: