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Englisch Online Payment

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alt Online Payment

Fear Me
User Off Offline

Hey UnrealSoftware us,

I've been wanting to purchase a product online for quite some time, but I'm worried I'll get my account hacked. If i get i get my account hacked, im fucked. It's got all my life saving in it, and what not.

So I was just wondering what's the safest way to purchase something via Masteo card or something?


alt Re: Online Payment

Admin Off Offline

paypal is a pretty good way. use it when it is available.

credit cards can be dangerous (if you are not careful) but you can limit the amount that can be spent per month for security.

always make sure that there is a little lock icon in your browser whenever you enter sensitive data. the lock indicates that a secured/encrypted connection is used. NEVER enter your account or credit card information if there is no lock! also only enter this stuff on 100% trustworthy websites (and make sure that you are on the real site and not just on a fake site with the same look)!

the hugest security risk are you. you have to be careful where and when you enter your data and you have to keep your system clean (no spyware, trojans, keyloggers or other malware).
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