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old Poll Lee interview

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Hello UnrealSoftware user, today I would like to present yet another interview from myself, AnonymousSh0t, and my assistant, DannyDeth.

Today we will be interviewing Lee, but first, we have some updates.

Updates: • -=-          -=-
The website on ucoz was deleted, DannyDeth is going to code a new one. (<- For a good reason, I hate website generators /Danny/ )
                  -=-          -=-

How long have you been here in Unreal Software?
     I started playing CS2D when I started off my Freshman year of high school all the way back in 2006. I am now in my second semester at college so it's been around four or five years. According to my profile, I joined Unreal Software in December of 2006.

How did you become a Moderator?
     I really have no clue. Interestingly I have been added onto the moderator team twice, first in 2008 and a second time in 2009. I was originally added onto the team in 2008 because the English section of CS2D (which started a year earlier) began growing faster than the original moderators could keep up, so DC asked me to look after the English section. I was demoted after around 4 months due to either conflict of interest with my clan or my hotheadedness at the time (the life of a 16 year old is generally filled with lots of drama) so I was taken off the team until the summer of 2009. Throughout that year, I matured dramatically and began helping the new found Lua niche and this may have influenced DC to give me a second chance. If anything, it's ultimately at DC's discretion.

You post many threads about Lua Scripting so I have to ask, is it your passion?
     Not specifically Lua, but I've always been fascinated with computers in general so a natural thirst for knowledge grew from a young age. As you will find out with other Asian children, computer time is a relatively scarce commodity in our lives so I sort of viewed it as a forbidden fruit. Fondness grew into obsession somewhere along the way and I began dedicating my time to demystifying the dark magic that seemed to power these machines. I started off with a couple of quick pages of HTML markup and found myself venturing into the dark unknowns of computer science. A few lines of code quickly gave way to entire programs, and I became hooked. The intellectual demands were often very rough on me so I had a pretty hard time starting off, I gave up quite a few times but somehow always found my way back. In the summer of 2008, I stumbled across 3rr0r's dedicated server for CS2D and became fascinated with how it worked. Being written in python and compiled into byte code, I began teaching myself both Python and its byte code syntax in order to fully understand how his server worked. After about a month of work, I not only understood (and in fact decompiled) how his program worked, I had also became quite familiar with the Python language. Around this time, I also discovered that techniques and paradigms that I use in one language can be carried over to another, and with it the implication that programming is independent of the language. By the middle of 2009, CS2D started to use the Lua engine so I began dedicating myself to learning its ins and outs as well.

How did you get into Lua?
     My parents were your stereotypically demanding Asian parents. "You can't play with the computer until you finish studying or else you won't be able to make it into a good college and you'll have to work at McDonald for the rest of your life." I was constantly bombarded with these seemingly impossible expectations so in order to preserve my sanity, I took refuge in video games. I came from a poor family (at least five years ago) so growing up, we never had very much money, but CS2D quickly hooked me on and before I knew it, I became part of the community as well. Through CS2D, I learned about Lua and being passionate about computers, I quickly grew into the language. Lua is a relatively simple language so it became my sandbox world for trying out new ideas, no matter how crazy they are. It quickly became another one of my outlets and so I let myself be immersed in it.

Do you mind telling us a bit about yourself?
     Not at all. Hi, my name is Lee (which is actually my real name), and I'm currently a freshman enrolled at Cornell University working towards my B.A in Computer Science. I am nineteen years old and I love to program computers and reason out difficult (in my opinion at least) math and physics problems (I'm less enthusiastic about homework and studying though...). But in my off time, I also like to get together with friends and go completely insane. In the last month alone we have built two separate snow forts and several snow penises, had a snowball fight with over a hundred people, had our butts frozen off hiding in trees and ambushing people that we know, and all the crazy stuff that you'll get to do in college. But before I became batsh*t insane, I was from Texas (a different kind of crazy). I guess in some sense I've fulfilled my parent's dream of sending their son to an Ivy League college, but that's definitely not my dream and I should also warn you guys that you shouldn't let others dictate what you want out of life. (But if you're interested, Cornell is an absolute blast, there's no elitist pretentiousness here and nearly everyone here have some kind of nerdy ambition, plus the girls are cute too )

I can play both the piano and the violin (just like any other generic Asian) and I have made a Darth Vader helmet using only dark chocolate. (A prototype created with silicone in '07 can be seen here )

Do you mind telling us about your clan history?
     Somewhere around the September of 2006, I was asked to join [Sup], which to this day I still have no idea what it stood for. Around a month later, [Sup] kind of died as do most clans and a small and unknown clan took us in. Having studied French previously, the first thing that came to mind after seeing the name was "Why would anyone name a clan after the European railroad?" The clan was called [TGV] and it gradually grew to become the one of the most "competitive" clans in the North America by 2008 (mostly by virtue of it being the only competitive clan in North America back then, it has since cooled down when we decided that the real life is more important than an online game, it is currently the home to over 10,000 spambots). I would usually dedicated hours and hours of my life to the game and so when Aj became the clan leader, he asked me to be the co-leader, and I in turn asked ownage (Jumpstyle, who recently passed away) to also be a co-leader. To this day, [TGV] and [Sup] have been the only clans that I've ever been in.

We've always tried to make TGV a "fun and games" clan. Even at our height, we never cared much for wins and losses, we just laugh it up if we lose and offer our congratulations to the other team, while passing off a victory as just a game. I truly hoped that the clan was on friendly terms with everyone. I'm grateful to have had so many friends from this community and I am sincerely honored have been able to play alongside them. I count both aj and own among my dearest friends.

What would you like to say about CS2D and Unreal Software?
     I stumbled across CS2D while hunting for "free shooter games". The website that lead me to CS2D have now become defunct, but these five years were some of the most amazing and important times of my life. I am honored to serve as a moderator here at UnrealSoftware.

Thank you for the chance to tell my story.


-=-          -=-

Thanks for the interview, Lee!
This was an interview by AnonymousSh0t

old Re: Lee interview

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Time has written
Sad how only those who do not understand English rate 0.

You know this how?

old Re: Lee interview

User Off Offline

This interview was better than all the others altogether(mostly thanks to lee).
edited 1×, last 25.02.11 06:05:13 am

old Re: Lee interview

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AnonymousSh0t has written
     [i]My parents were your stereotypically demanding Asian parents. "You can't play with the computer until you finish studying or else you won't be able to make it into a good college and you'll have to work at McDonald for the rest of your life."

Pretty much like mine, only they are European

Nice interview, started to know a lot about Lee.

old Re: Lee interview

User Off Offline

This is my favoutire interview of all It was the only one in which I didn't have to correct grammar from the interview-er/ee.

You shouldn't call yourselfa typical Asain bro, you are worth something bigger than what you think.

old Re: Lee interview

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DannyDeth has written
This is my favoutire interview of all It was the only one in which I didn't have to correct grammar from the interview-er/ee.

You shouldn't call yourselfa typical Asain bro, you are worth something bigger than what you think.

Agree. Lee is very intelligent and should aim for the better life.

old Re: Lee interview

User Off Offline

Best interview so far, mostly cause of Lee and his willingness to participate and make everything so detailed. Awsome!

old Re: Lee interview

User Off Offline

Could you fix the silicon prototype of the dark chocolate Darth Vader helmet link? I'm really really curious.

old Re: Lee interview


Spoiler >
I really liked this interview. It's by far the most impressive interview I've seen on here. Can't wait to see some more.

old Re: Lee interview


AnonymousSh0t has written
very intelligent and should aim for the better life.

typical asian in america

stereotyping is stupid

old Re: Lee interview

Admin Off Offline

I don't want to be interviewed because I hate being interviewed.

old Re: Lee interview

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DC has written
I don't want to be interviewed because I hate being interviewed.

Lol.This made my day.

Best interview sofar,by the way.

old Re: Lee interview

User Off Offline

DC has written
I don't want to be interviewed because I hate being interviewed.

Did you got interview already? or its your first time to br interviewed? ahahhahaha.

old Re: Lee interview

User On Online

DC has written
I don't want to be interviewed because I hate being interviewed.

Oh, that was kinda harsh. But we gotta respect DC... well, we already have the Info page right?

old Re: Lee interview

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Rodrigo X has written
DC has written
I don't want to be interviewed because I hate being interviewed.

Oh, that was kinda harsh. But we gotta respect DC... well, we already have the Info page right?

öhm, ye, it just was an idea

old This is madness!

User Off Offline

What the fuck are you doing? Stop that madness, it's all shit! DannyDeth, you're nice guy, who the fuck are you messing with? Shit is shit, I'm really tired of all those interviews and stuff. This shit sucks, sucks, sucks, 9000 times! Web-site? Are you guys crazy or what? Another stupid and useless web-site you wanna create? Danny, what the fuck are you lookin' on, have you became blind or what? Stop for the win.
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