Pretty fun, original and awesome idea. I played on your server and this game rocks!
But it comes even better:
I took the code and made some cool improvements.
Here is the code:
(copy the text, save it into a textfile named "lasermod.lua" and drop the file into CS2D/sys/lua)
They are basicly purely graphical improvements.
Here is some sort of a changelog:
unofficial version 1.1.0
Beams created by laser now can be red, yellow and blue, too (it depends on the weapon mode of the laser; use "weapon special function" key to change the color)
3 second spawn protection for these game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Construction, Zombies! (it tries to rebuild the native CS2D spawn protection)
Setting: lm.selfhurt - either allow players to get hurt by their own beams or not (default: false)
Setting: lm.meleelaser - either create laser beams with melee weapons or not (default: false)
Setting: lm.spawntimer - how long (in frames) the spawn protection lasts (default: 150, can be turned off by setting to 0)
Beams created by guns are thinner and light yellow now
Beam fade time depends on the fire rate of the weapon; the higher the fire rate, the faster the beam disappears
Beam starts now closer from the muzzle of the weapon instead from the body of the player
Knives and other melee weapons don't create beams anymore (by default)
All functions and variables are nested in the table "lm" for better code organization
Kills with Mac 10 didn't count as kills and didn't appear in deathlog
Please note: You HAVE TO restart the round after you loaded the script, otherwise it doesn't work.
The "settings" are just variables in the code. You just have to change one line of code to change a setting; it makes it easier to change common things quickly.
BTW: Does any1 know how long the native CS2D spawn protection lasts (in frames)? Just to be sure ...
I wonder why you didn't upload the script to the files section of US. If you grant permission, I upload my fork of this script to US.
In the mean time, just grab the code at: