u know what screw fpsbanana for now Im using what munx used heres the link for dm_christmas party enjoy the monstermash dm_christmasparty
oh yea, munx your map is fun but you should try to put waypoints in them I added my own waypoints to streetrun its really fun now.
meh ill try them eventually but I made the leetest haxorest skins in the world. wow I actually said leetest haxorist.. Ill put them up someday. its awsome the seal team 6 guy looks MUCH better now and the l33t kr3w looks pissed off and you can actually see their eyes ingame and I put the french CT's eyes close together so he looks like a retard cus my 8th grade french teacher made me hate France weapons look better too.
right now im working on cool new tiles but they are just in begining i've worked 1 hour just for the first tiles in up
uhh noone who downloads the map plays it i keep checking 4 skiper(only 1 i saw(in forum)downloaded but never played!)and he never plays the maps online!
LOL hes the only one i found that downloaded no offense
what im saying is that u should start PLAYING THE NEW MAPS ONLINE!
I think thats what laser said, Skiper. I think his point is is that noone actually plays the user made maps online. Hopefully an auto map downloading thing gets put in the new cs2d
noone still hasnt downloaded my map o well
works for me only noone has it!
needs waypoints LOL
which 1 do u pick?
is your brain fucked up, come on you need to listen to DC when he sayz stop the cookie shit for the spam, and not to use too much smileys because it makes the forums look like shitty shit, ok? NOW STOP THE SHIT. ... unless u have proof your brain is fucked up...