Please read this whole post before use or vote! Thanks. Project has been stopped! I have currently too many stuff to do... :/ Please don't forget: It's still in alpha phase! Please ignore the update message on startup. Thanks!

I would like to represent my new (CS2D) project: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper alias CounterStrike2D Live MapEditor.

It has ability to handle up to 255 players on a single server... Online! Yep, indeed, from now on it's possible to create & edit cs2d map online.
The system is relatively easy. Likewise in CS2D, firstly, you have to host a dedicaded server who clients (users) can join. The dedicated server can be hosted on a home computer (local) or on a V-/Root-Server (remote). The administrator is able to create new/delete/edit users accounts inclusive their permissions. So it's able to allow user "xyz" only (for example) to set tiles and entitys.
The user is able to download the map incl. all pictures and other files in a rar file (you need to open this file winrar. Google for it.).
You don't need winrar on a linux system. You can also install the zip package:
$sudo apt-get install zip

The MapEditor is also made to work with maps easier. Also little extras like copy and paste a map area is now possible too.
You don't need to modify each single Tile on a map for Tileblending. With this tool you can fix the tileblending-values and applied them for each new tile.
You can also easy upload a part of your local tileset to the server tile. So you don't need to restart the server or cut the single tiles in paint. It's easy to use.

At your first server start you have an user account with the name: admin and password: admin. With this account you are able to manage the whole CS2DLM-Server.
IT'S RECOMMENDED to change the admin password! Take a look into the instructions.

Here are some older screenshots from the Editor:

The Editor is completly free and portable. Just Execute the CounterStrike2DLiveMapper.exe file and you can directly connect to your server. (No installation needed)

This Editor is still in alpha phase. This version might be buggy and some features aren't done yet. It's recommend to save the map in 10 minutes interval! KlinSoft and Klin aren't liable for any damage or loss of the map.
Please read the instructions before you post or ask anything.
Use at own risk.

Please read the instructions!
ToDo for the Beta:

Please report all bugs/crashed via PM!

Please answer the following questions:

I hope you like the tool and and I'm happy about feedbacks and negative feedbacks (please justify).
edited 74×, last 16.10.16 11:40:57 am