did you played with some of the players? it found they of good nivel?

[EliteBR] clan
3 replies

did you played with some of the players? it found they of good nivel?
-no poll
-no link to the clan homepage
what did you want ? more posts ?
and the homepage is http://elitebr.50webs.com/
But he is not mainly that. what I more want I am to know if they he saw some player playing with you and saw that it was professional.
_DaVi_ has written
how I make voting?
and the homepage is http://elitebr.50webs.com/
But he is not mainly that. what I more want I am to know if they he saw some player playing with you and saw that it was professional.
and the homepage is http://elitebr.50webs.com/
But he is not mainly that. what I more want I am to know if they he saw some player playing with you and saw that it was professional.
when you create thread click poll and here you go