WTF is going on?????

CS2D Server List Hacked?
15 replies

WTF is going on?????
Other information I don't know about, I hope someone do something about this.
Velemir has written
when i made my own server i couldn't control it, hacker changed max players and turn off fog of war, do something with it
wtf i never saw somethink like this

those hack must be stoped hnmmm....(somehow)
I didn't want to update cs2d but I'll have to release a bugfix if he doesn't stop this crap

Here you go!
edited 1×, last 16.09.06 12:43:20 pm

And its very easy too. nearly everyone could do it with a minimum of hacking experience. its even easier because its open source. I think its really poor to hack it and to leave the name. It shows that DarkWizard is a bad hacker who is not able to hack things that are hard to hack (maybe its just a fake and it wasn't DarkWizard). But who cares?
However I'm not going to waste my time with trying to fix all this stuff. It wouldn't work at all. I'm concentrating on the new cs2d.

Marcio has written
The new cs2d will be very secure! 

i hope so