What about if you implement in statistics a feature like "overall posts" where you can see the users with most posts for example @ DC has 17,401 posts so he's in nr.1 with the most posts and so on.
I know maybe is not really worth it this idea, but what's your opinion?
And if this has been asked many times, then i'm sorry.
@ Captione: If i remember corectly, DC already said something about this as for the mobile-friendly too.
Read this in the image:
@ Pagyra: This could increase the spam with uploads and such so i won't agree at all because some users want more points reputation so they just spam anyway.
Or do you mean these values are seted automatically?
@ Pagyra: I disagree because: There would appear many people who would try to act nice and fail, which would be even more troublesome File archive would be spammed with many more bad files (just learn from likes system) There would be reputation race (who can get more reputation) which would create even more useless content on the site A sort of discrimination might appear. For example, most would try to respect a person with 1000 reputation but a guy with 5 reputation would be seen as a newb and thus wouldn't be spoken with equally. That would create a kind of split between community members which could potentially create more trolls or people breaking rules.
Or advanced reply system. Like uploading images to your pc and overlaying an image in a thread. Thread Statistic would be nice like one on ModDB. I not a spoiled brat but it's just my idea.
@ Captione: As for the "uploading images to your pc" obviously you mean a feature like a hoster to upload your image directly here from the PC. This type of idea (to be precise) has been asked by someone too and then got rejected because @ DC can't make a host only special for this webiste, so you can use some hoster websites like servimg or any kind of image hoster website. I may go wrong what i wrote at this reply but i'm sure this it what you mean exacly.
@ GeoB99: He means an image upload button when posting. But yes, people can simply upload an image then grab the url and use it on another site. Unless DC automatically deletes the image if a post failed or has been deleted.
What about a "delete button" which this can be used only to delete your current reply post and when the user is replying after you the delete button will disappear (i know this from Forumotion feature).
Or an advanced search feature like finding keywords, finding a word only from posts, thread, etc. instead being mixed (i hope you understand what i mean).
Or a draft saving system which means the message post that are you writting will be draft saved so the message reply won't be lost (and i mean for reply post not for message PM so don't confuse them) .
I don't know if some of these ideas are useful @ DC but the last one may be useful, what do you think?