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English Attention: Link that creates a thread

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old Re: Attention: Link that creates a thread

User Off Offline

Most ppl that clicked in the link din't clicked it on the website, were it seemed as a pretty obvious trap, but from a link that someone send on x-fire, were you still have to be careful, but since the link did what it did with one click... noone expected it lmao.

old Re: Attention: Link that creates a thread

Admin On Online

The vulnerability has been removed by introducing a checksum which is different for each user. The link will not post anything (this technique has already been used for the logout button and polls because some idiots trolled with those functions a long time ago already). Temp bans have been removed as well.

It's still possible to do stuff like this though (with a tiny bit more complicated script now). So please remember the following for the future:

PLEASE: Never click random links!
Especially if no information is provided.

You are curious and want to see what it is?
Switch to the private/incognito mode of your browser. This way you are not logged in and can't do any damage. Note that this is for your own security as well because it's not possible to track if you posted something yourself or if another site posted it by executing a script. So we might punish you for it.
edited 2×, last 27.04.12 02:48:29 pm

old Re: Attention: Link that creates a thread

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Well the good thing is that the php session id and the log out id is different and not related in anyway, posting it would just make yourself log out due to the number of people clicking on it.
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