for lua script

for lua script

if player rotated to 90degrees then
for lua script
for lua script

In a lot of FPS games, you can assign a mouse button (or keyboard key) to enable mouse strafing, which allows you to strafe left and right by moving/sliding your mouse side-to-side when that mouse button (or keyboard key) is pressed and held.
In older games (such as DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, etc...), this command is simply called "strafe" (on). In newer games (such as Half-Life, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, etc...) the command is called "lookstrafe".

mouse cursor has recoil when you shoot? (or it just gets bigger) like in all of the counter strikes
I don't think this is needed, because weapons in CS2D are on top-view and it doesn't show the recoil of a weapon. Btw, weapon spread and recoil are different.
sorry for bad english

edited 2×, last 11.12.12 12:20:58 pm

Resize the map with preserve aspect ratio, i think. And maybe when terrorists plant the bomb in the bombsite, the terrorists just stay in the bombsite, doesn't go anywhere.. but when the second is 5/10, they run out from the bombsite. Like in the real CS.
sorry for bad english
sorry for bad english

So when the bots plant the bomb, they camp in the bomb spot where it is planted and they will run away when the bomb is going to explode soon?
I agree to this idea, also the camping spots could be the bot node entity.

Unreal Software, when will you learn!?

A way to select, copy and paste entities or tiles in the editor
You can do that already...

A way to select, copy and paste entities or tiles in the editor
You can do that already...

Not with tiles.

this idea came from the game CS 1.6

You can choose the size pointer
this idea came from the game CS 1.6

this idea came from the game CS 1.6

I think, this has no sense in 2d.
I was thinking about CTRL+C and CTRL+V with tiles, but nevermind.

You can choose the size pointer
this idea came from the game CS 1.6

this idea came from the game CS 1.6

No. There are custom sprites for the cross-hair and it could make it look stretched.