
I'm tired of switching from shield to weapons. In CS you at least get a bit cover while you aim with your gun, but not in CS2D.
Inb4 "lolshieldnub"-comments.
Louder shells i just noticed they have a sound...

Wooden walls that block the view but can be shoot trough.
Bot can please be flashed.
Remove the 2 pictures at buy it makes big weapons ugly cause it mixes up with the small one (down) .
edited 1×, last 09.09.12 04:07:03 pm
amd65/colt 45/winchester

Admin/mod comment

The abilty to select a group of tiles/entities/tiles+entities, in a select-box type thing, and to be able to copy/rotate/flip/copy+rotate/copy+rotate+flip etc... Basically to be able to copy and paste a large (or small) portion of the map, and to be able to rotate/flip your copy would be great - especially in symetrical maps, aim_maps, etc.
EDIT: My bad, I didn't specify, this would be in the map editor
Ability to see players usgn when you press tab and highlight the players name
A chat room so we can talk with friends, and others cant join room unless they have password.
Sounds for play making contact with wall

1. Don't see how this would be useful that's why we have chat commands.
2. Only when you're the server so idk how this could be useful.
3. Make a server and use a password or use xfire, skype pidgin.
4. Can be made with lua.
2.So you can see if the person isnt impersonating someone
3.Opening xfire make the users pc slow down(Depending on how fast their pc is.
4.Its not really useful, but its just an idea.
During clan wars, a player with unstable Internet connection happens to lag and be dropped from the server, resulting in, say, a 4x5 situation. The entire match then is usually screwed and either has to be replayed or forfeited.
I`m not sure if this is possible to be coded with Lua (as I`ve yet to see such script on any server), hence I`m posting it here.
I`m asking for a server command that would freeze either the players (preventing them from any action except for using chat) and the timer (preventing it from, well, ticking). Once a player reconnects, the command may be used again so as to continue the match like nothing happened.
Thanks in advance
This idea came out while I was sleeping, I forgot about the other one though.
It will look like a Spawnpoint. If you're in that area you can buy.

Admin/mod comment

Need new entity like multisource in CS 1.6.


Yes, i know that it's can be done with env_explode and env_breakabe.
But with multisoucre we will have more space on map for other things.