
Anyone else would not hear the sound.
I know

player (1-32): ID of a player
So 0 is not even listed as valid value. And
Play soundfile for a certain player. Only this player will hear it and only if he has the soundfile!
and even more:
Note: Use sv_sound instead to play a sound for everyone.
So documentation-wise I don't see how I could improve that. Best I could do is showing an error when sv_sound2 is used with ID 0 or make it play nothing at all in that case (playing it for everyone would make

But now I have to add an extra check for when the ID is 0, when previously I just used

This isn't urgent, I just wanted you to know.
example: Ã Hello welcome
stay that way this can you help me?

©255000000This line is red!
If you need further help please create a new thread. This thread here is only for bug reports.

It's a problem with how non-Latin charcters are stored in your lua text file.
When a teammate dies with the bomb the x is bugged in the minimap (only happens when another guy from the same team is on spec).
2º The screenshots are still not fixed in 4:3 resolutions (scalled to 16:9). Just pick one random 4:3 resolution and take a screenshot, the output would be the same in first bug screenshot.

2. Tesla Coil seems have no impact on lighting.

But no one would really need recoil mode with tesla coil.
Tesla Coil does affect lighting. I could improve it, but I don't want this effect alone to hit on performance too much.

CS2D Menus broken lmao

Last resort would be using windowed mode if you tab out a lot.

The only way I found to avoid this is to disable the fullscreen optimizations (shortcut) but the crosshair movement ingame is not smooth or opengl in last case.
So when you gonna fix this?
And please do not suggest window mode as a "fix", no one will gonna play games in that way