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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Wow!

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Looking at this major mod, and you being active after so long, really makes me want to come back to modding.

You got fall damage, army-leading, pet dog hunting, and kiwi-taming. Yas, bruh!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Lordloss, hi, the wooden house in winter glows red when the door is closed and adds BT (body temperature) at a rate of 0.03 per check. It can make a difference in your BT depending on the OT (outside temperature) If your BT is dropping faster then 0.03 due to OT then the house may not be sufficient to make your BT "rise".

A fire adds 0.05 BT per making a fire or torch inside the wooden house would add 0.08 per check to BT. Helpful when it is REALLY cold outside. Good for sleeping too and waking up warm.

The hot drinks and wine stuff will boost your BT a full 1 degree the moment you drink it. Possibly curing frostbite too. I will check the script but I know it was working lol.

Some other things that help BT stay within healthy range is having cloths in or backpack (1 of each type is best. boot,glove,pants,coat, or the suit.), and/or carrying a lit torch or lantern, and combinations of both. Details in the DIARY under operations...frostbite, cloths, etc.

p.s. I will check into the winter sleeping...that does sound like an extreme situation you should have woke up warm having the suit and lit lantern while sleeping in the house (unless the door was left open?).
Hi Puppet!!! Long time no see
Would love to see ya make a new mod as your talents are great in scripting and creating!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Nice that you take your time for this
Ofcourse i did not let the door open, and i know the diary inside out Ill try it with some fire inside.
It is time that you make your own Game and publish it, so i can throw my money at you

Ive tested it, went to sleep in the closed house, next to campfire. BT was rising at this moment, after sleeping i went hypothermic. The campfire was burning all night long. I dont know what i do wrong
edited 1×, last 25.01.20 05:23:59 pm

old Patch for christmas update

Super User Off Offline

Patch to fix sleeping in winter BT issue, and horse food fix.

> patch
1) unzip and open the folder
2) copy/paste or drag/drop the 2 FILES into the /sys folder
3) chose replace the old files when prompted

I was unable to duplicate the error you with corn shucks but I did a script copy/paste procedure in case I had some error as the scripts are the same for all the horse foods.

As for the winter sleep, the BT penalty was set way to high. You should now wake up with only a slight to moderate BT reduction, depending on how many hours you sleep.

Thanks again for your reports. Thank you for the compliments...
More >
edited 4×, last 26.01.20 03:09:42 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I had the time to play the last version (fun as always :), here is the list of stuff I found not working or weirdly working:

1) when fermenting more barrels next to each other, they light up all even if only one of them finished their fermenting cycle

2) herb is herb garden grow even in winter

3) when you try to eat whey, it sends a negative message that it is not food, but it returns empty bowl as well, so you can bug yourself free bowls

4) distillers block rain so the campfire under them burns in rain

5) when log sled is destroyed, it stays as object without hitpoints until midnight, then it dissappears

6) sleeping in hot house, with torch nearby, closed doors and winter suit reduces temp when sleeping? why, when awake, it increases temp. It only makes you to stay afk in house for some time, and it doesn't make sense...

7) horse doesn't collide with objects when mounted, it just runs through all

most of the drinks reduce hunger a little even if they don't have it in the note

9) tropica dough has note in diary that it is made of coffeefruit, but it is set up to be made of coffebeans

10) worker operation increases my skill? why?

11) plants announce at the 1st day of winter that they die, but trees lose all fruits instantly, shouldn't be there the same day for harvest?

12) there are not notes about the new content in diary (saltblock, preservative, cocoa)

13) tame monkey achievement doesn't work, tried to tame and train two, nothing

14) pirate trading rates are too low for low tier stuff...for few trinkets you can get tons of grain, it really makes the farming and fertilizing obsolete... I would make him a source of seeds that you didn't find yet on your island, but at high cost (or leave one thing that could be used as source of cheap food when in crisis...oranges? ), also no fertilized seeds...

And here are some questions/ideas:

a) any chance of adding the water through range? like wet circle around it to know where it can reach and water plants?

b) could worker do digging for worms as well? since he needs bait for fishing errand, this would be very usefull (and I guess easy to set up)

c) some way of making a mushroom patch?

d) there is still too much of stones without use...would it be possible to do stone path maybe?

e) for what I tried, chicken feed and premium one is not very effective compared to spoiled food. Also it is too heavy, 29 premiums to fill the feeder vs hundreds of spoiled food....

f) there is no use for big mushroom, for soup, it doesn't work as normal one

g) caddy monkey runs around you, very often it gets in the way of attacking and dies. Any chance to make her run behind you? like move towards you only if further than some distance?

h) hemp has no use...maybe crafting vines from it? or healing salve of some sort?

i) lamppost with inventory? kind of a torch for oil for longer light?
edited 6×, last 13.02.20 11:12:33 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Tix!! good to see you.

Lots of nice feedback! I will look into the buggy stuff you listed and see about fixes. As for a few of the other things:

6) I will re-script this so you only get cold if there is no fire in the house on cold nights of sleep.

7) Horse collision I can not fix. Already looked at this, and riding land units over-rides the collision in the source code. Can't fix.

a) I could possibly make some kind of reference to show water trough range, maybe add something to the model to indicate.

c) I already had this idea...I will make it so you can grow mushrooms...maybe you can collect the "moss" patch they grow on, and use them to grow mushrooms.

d) yes stones are abundant...if you put them in your hand and "throw" them down on the ground they do not stack. So you could make garden borders or paths doing that.

h) yes you can already make "cords" with 3 hemp + knife i think. Also it can be sold to the pirate for goods.

i) The regular torch already has this feature...if you use cotton it burns up faster than if you use oil. Also there is already 2 different lanterns, one uses oil and the other uses ethyl alcohol which burns much longer. The lanterns can be "dropped" on top of objects to, if you drop them at elevated on top of a barrel, or house roof etc.

As for the other stuff i will give it some thought and see what can be done...the bugs for certain I will fix.

Thank You!!! This type of feedback really helps improve the mod so much!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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sorry, this mod is soo big some of the stuff I wrote already are included, I just forgot to try them out and then wrote it on the list

Lags are always there, but it is worth it, you are awesome!!!

old awsome mod

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hello, just made a account to say thx for this awsome mod, been a avid massive mod player back in the day and came back here a few days ago to look up stranded 3 progress and found your mod. and now i have played the survivalist nonstop for 3 days now, so props to you

on a side note, im having difficulty finding out how the kiln work, i cant seem to put fuel in it and when i put my wet clay bottles in it i cant access the kiln anymore
edited 1×, last 06.03.20 07:18:08 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi mc...Welcome!

Thanks for the review glad your having fun!

The kiln...look at the opening and hit E to access the fuel. Its kinda difficult to locate the sweet spot but yes look at the opening and find the spot pointing at the black coal pile inside.

Once you add items they wont harden until you light the kiln, it must have fire. Once they harden it will glow red and you can remove the items.

You should have gloves when removing the hot items or you get slightly burned.

old kiln ablaze

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i swear ive tried a million times but got it right now, been looking through the thread to see if anyone had the same problem

old Announcement - Beds prevent cold sleep

Super User Off Offline

To All,
I forgot to mention in my discussion above with Tix n Lordloss about losing body temperature when sleeping on cold nights in winter season.

Sleeping with a Bed will thwart lowering your body temperature when sleeping on cold nights. You still lose a little BT but not as severe as if you sleep without a bed. I just forgot I scripted this last update...and it is already edited in the DIARY/INSTRUCTIONS under BEDS section for those who didn't read it.
edited 3×, last 07.03.20 02:57:30 pm

old Water pump and the mine

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I don't see the option to build the water pump even though I already found a spring by using a steel shovel.

Also, my mining skill is 6 and digging is also 6, but I don't see the mine in the construction menu ?

Can you help me with this ?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hello tranbeo,
You may not have built a water trough... it is a required build to unlock the water pump. Just build a water trough, its an ez build

The Mine building does not exist as it was removed from this mod. It had so many bugs and could not compute, and transfer, all the variables correctly when the player loaded into, or out of, the mine...and the player lost items and it messed up player stats. I never got it to work bug free.

Thanks for checkin out the mod, hope your having fun. I have a couple of fixes coming in a new update soon. You can see my "to-do" list on top of page 1...uploading later next month.

p.s. I am considering a way to utilize the "Cave" as a natural cave subterranean system. I would use the same system from the MM mine and maybe require the player to enter the subterranean area under certain to make it a "bug free" transition in, and out...such as storing equipment before entering, and/or limiting carrying capacity going in and coming out...yadda yadda.
edited 2×, last 26.07.20 03:49:30 am

old Fall damage

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Love this mod! I updated from the Thanksgiving release to the Christmas release because all my potato and tomato plants suddenly turned to bushes. So that was weird. Didn't see that in the changelog so hopefully it doesn't happen again.

I am wondering though if anyone else is having a hard time with the fall damage? I must be tripping over my own feet or something because just walking or running across a Normal landscape I am getting fall damage. Weird, right?

Also, I just walked down a giant boulder very carefully and 15 seconds later got major fall damage and knocked unconscious. I guess if I can't walk on boulders at all anymore, so be it, but that lag...

Is this just me?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi tank,

When you miss watering the plants after 3 days they turn into weeds, rather than die and have to maintain the crops or it creates work in pulling weeds...or moving your garden.

The fall damage is very/too sensitive i agree...will likely tweak it a bit for this latter update.

Thanks for the feedback! Glad your having fun!

edit: I have tweaked the fall damage script while also eliminating the delay in the "results" of the detection. Thank you.
edited 1×, last 27.07.20 09:47:57 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Thanks Jas, yes, I realized it was the watering thing on the crops after I posted this. Welp.

Thanks for tweaking the fall damage! Glad that one wasn't just me LOL.

Edited to add 8/19 - I'm waking up every morning this winter hypothermic. I redownloaded today because I saw this was supposed to be fixed, but it didn't help. I am sleeping in a house, with door closed, the advanced bed, a burning campfire, and both a lit lantern & snowsuit in my bag.

Also, my horse randomly turns 90 or 180 degrees, sometimes causing him to drown in sea. Other times he can swim in deep water just fine.

Oh, yeah, and my forge only takes 2 items instead of 3 now.

Man, I sound picky. Not trying to be a prick, I swear!
edited 4×, last 20.08.20 03:25:58 am

old Unlock items list

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Hey guys been quite a while I have forgotten a lot. Is their a list of what you need to build to open up other items to build?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi liljohn, welcome back! sorry no list, some hints are in the "charactor" menu under skills if you click each skill to read.

I just made it so related things you build open the same if ya build a shelter it don't matter which shelter you build...or tree fort etc. Anything ya build can be torn down and get resources if in doubt build 1 of everything and only keep what ya want.

I think I might be able to make it so when ya hover over an Icon in the build menu it tells what it unlocks? Hmm, thanks.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey Jas

Are you still working on this? if so WOW! Thanks for all your hard work!

I cant find any instructions for making glass for the house and greenhouse. Sorry I cant remember and it takes so long to read all of these posts.
edited 1×, last 20.09.20 04:21:21 am
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