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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Awesome, thanks for the advice! I'm getting ready to start a new island and utilize what I've learned so far. Starting with finding grain and planting it early and sticking with water rocks rather than a distiller until I really need salt. I'm going to consider the first game my "practice run!" lol

I'm still gonna do easy mode tho, because I want to get a good handle on the mechanics before I start dealing with hostiles.

Edit: Forgive me but I've searched this forum for an hour and the search function is terrible!

I woke up 1 morning to find my treehouse gone. I'm assuming it was damaged in a storm but I can't figure out how to tell if a building is damaged or how to fix it. Now every time it storms I'm expecting to wake up outside with my hut gone!

Can you fish off boats or rocks? It just keeps telling me I can't fish there. What's the point in a boat if I take it out to where the fish are then can't fish? Then when I drive it, it's incredibly slow and I'm standing on top of the sail. I must be doing something wrong.

I found a bug. I found an orange tree and marked it on my map. The next day, I didn't see a map marker, so I thought I messed up and marked it again. This time, I checked immediately and it wasn't marked. So, you can't mark the word "orange" in the map. It won't let you and doesn't waste a charcoal either so that's good. I had to fool the map by marking it "otree". lol
edited 1×, last 30.01.21 03:03:06 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Woah, that IS interesting that you can't put a marker "orange" on the map. I wonder if other item names/colours would follow the same pattern.

Hey Jack. Long time no see. I just had a thought... Would you be interested in making The Survivalist 2.0 if Stranded 3 came out and it /at least somewhat/ supported modding? Just asking

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Is there anyway to heal an infection/fever without goldenseal and lemongrass? I've got none on my island and I'm dying from a piranha bite. I'm basically drinking heal potions to sustain myself but I only got 2 days left. I've searched everywhere and there's nothing!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

not sure why your tree house disappeared...a storm can damage them but you would know it when you experience the storm...and the buildings simply are damaged when looking at them.

Use a hammer and have the right materials to repair and hit them until it say "repairs complete".

Poison arrows can poison objects or things if they are hit...they will spew green clouds from them if poisoned, and die over time when HP reaches 0....don't know if that happened.

rule in fishing is you need to be close the the water...when on a boat you dismount and fish from the deck. When driving you have a view from above yes...and the log boat is slow but the advanced boats are faster as you unlock and build them.

yes goldenseal is only cure for infection, and lemon grass only cure for fever...they can be planted and grown producing abundance when harvested. Sorry your lacking them on your island but the script ensures that some do spawn but hopefully you find them under a rock or hidden by a future startups, grow some asap.

The pirate also has some if you can find him when he visits...take something to bargain with.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I'm happy to see this project is still alive, and was wondering if there was ever a fix/workaround for the input-lag with the extra keys (windows10/64bit here).
I was also wondering if there is a public git repo or source code for this project. (I did find the repo for standard stranded2)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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How on earth do I feed my horse? It says to throw the food on the ground and I did that. I threw down grain, maizeseed and an apple and he's still starving! I put down the apple again and again until it's right under his mouth when he puts his head down but he still won't eat it. Now he has red particles...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

put the food in hand and right-click mouse button to throw.

not drop it...throw it.

If that is not working try detaching/attaching it to the wagon once, or mount/dismount, then try again...not sure unless you are "dropping" instead of "throwing".

never had n issue with it.

@gameworm Hi, ty, and no.
edited 2×, last 29.04.21 11:15:44 am

old Question about the tamed dog

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Hey man!!! How ya doing??? I hope you and family are doing awesome!

Long time been since I have played your most amazing game. I ha'been dropping a few hours the past month or so and about to start winter. I am ready.

However, I can't figure it out the dog. Please forgive me, I have not read the last hundred+ entries since my last game, so you may have explained this already, but please, do a favor for an old vet.

How that heck do I feed the dog? I tamed it. But I can't figure out how to feed it after I get the message it is hungry. I have tried everything.

Also, if you still working on this, is there any way to make it so that it follows you more easily and constantly? I do get it to follow me, but it is such a pain in the balls.

I do not know, maybe create a "leash", that if you carry it with you then if you command it to follow you it will permanently?

Man, the game is great, a far, far, far cry than when you first started working on it years ago. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. IT IS STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITES!! I spend as much time playing it as I do with Total War or Civ. You are a master!!

I do have many, many, many other questions, thoughts and suggestions I have been writing down, but I do not want to bug you with them until I have escaped the island. Which will take some time, because now I have a baby survivalist that takes most of my time.

Hope to hear from you soon!!

All the best


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

oh wow...HEy! So cool to see you man and glad all is well...I had thought about, and wondered about you, many times brother. Glad to see ya...and that is an understatement!

hmm the dog...should simply throw small raw meat near it and he should eat it. had a report the Horse did not eat too...but I never had an issue with them...I will look into further.

As the horse n horse foods, throw the small raw meat like you throw a it near the dog and he should eat it, and relieve it's hunger.

let me know if he eats it please. Also, in the Diary under Operations there are some basic instructions for WOLFDOG and DOG WHISTLE/ATTACK PROCEDURE.

the only way i could make him follow is: You need to keep blowing the whistle every few the diary entry states. In the source code ai-follow mode command only lasts 3 seconds and ai return to normal you need to keep blowing the whistle was my only solution.

Looking forward to your suggestions and ideas...have not done much work on this mod for a while due to life stuff...hope to do more with it sometime soon i hope.

Talk soon, will check back asap...and great to see you!

edited 1×, last 14.05.21 04:01:09 am

old Great to hear from you

User Off Offline

Great to hear from you!!

I will try again throwing meat to the dog. I'll let you know how it goes.

Re hypothermia, I am having troubles waking up without it (and then I am forced to spend few hours raising temp). I got my suit, I got a house, I got a fire/grill inside the house, I even deployed a bed right next to the fire, still, I wake up with it. Best I can figure it out is going to bed at 96+, only sleeping 3 hours, and waking up and eating sugar. Am I doing anything wrong? Any other suggestion?

Would the iron grill do anything better in terms of hypothermia?


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok i did find a mistake in the way i scripted the sleeping with a bed. Try removing the bed from the area where you sleep.

I believe it is the bed causing your hypothermia, until I upload a new update, keep all beds away from the area you sleep IN WINTER ONLY. lol ironic My bad!

Did wolfdog eat the small raw meat when thrown near him? Don't see an issue in script as of now.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hey man, thanks for the prompt reply.

1) I removed the advanced bed from inside the wooden house. I am not sure if it is making much difference since now I do not have a bed during winter. But I did. Again, what I am doing to get around the hypothermia after waking up is raising temp before I go to bed, only sleeping 3 hours, keeping fire on while sleep, and then eating sugar. It makes sense, which I like, but it becomes boring (and time consuming) after a few days.
Please let me know if any of these steps are useless/redundant. I am just trying to be logical about it.

2) Re dog, no man, unfortunately he wont take any raw meat. I have it standing still because otherwise he goes away. So once I have him sitting at a place (consider changing graphic to sitting) then I have thrown 100+ small raw meat from different angles, at different times, with no luck. Does it have to be steak or large meat? Does it have to be with it at another setting? Also, overall, although I have not had a chance to play much with it, the command system is pretty hard. But I will play more with it and report back.
edited 12×, last 22.05.21 05:03:43 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok man...i have a request. I do not have a save to test the dog atm.

Will you use the whistle and set the dog to GO. Then try throwing a small raw meat near it, see if he eats it. (just like ya did when you tamed him)

I think i see the issue, but i need to test further.

The hypothermia/sleeping still looking into it...with no bed near it should not drop temp when sleeping. Still looking for the culprit.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Let me try your suggestion then.

(5 min later)

Yeah, that worked! You can scratch that off the list. THANK YOU!!!

Can you make it so it works when the dog is standing still?

How about that leash? Any way we can make it so that if on leash it will follow you without requiring any other command? That way he can follow the player when exploring and when we actually want the dog to perform an action, we can use the whistle, etc.?
edited 2×, last 22.05.21 09:23:25 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok i will fix it so you can feed the dog when he is in STAY mode.

Thanks for testing the dog, i do see the issue and can fix for next update.

I am looking for the temp change when sleeping now...still looking. Seems like the bed was the cause but looking further into scripts.

Leash I dont think can work cuz the ai_mode command only lasts 3 seconds...thus the reason you need to repeatedly blow the whistle. (also note: is why you have to keep hitting the sheep with a net/vine to make him go the way you want)
edited 1×, last 22.05.21 09:30:17 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

You are the man!!!

Ahh, re the sheep, good to know, I have thought a few times about a leash for them too. But I see the issue. Since coding is magic for me, I will take your word for it.

Since we are on the subject of controlling animals, how about you make it so we can capture most other animals with the net, just like chickens, e.g. kiwi, rabbits, squirrels, even rats, spiders and scorpions, etc. Perhaps with a few exceptions, e.g. large predators like lions, hostile monkey, or any of the event animals.

Maybe increase their speed and "spookiness" to make it harder to catch.

Gracias again!!!
edited 1×, last 22.05.21 09:37:56 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Alright, I'll stop with my requests. Thank you so much man.

Let me see if I can get through winter asap and start building that boat.


FYI, for reference. I got a wood house with fire/grill inside. No beds as per instruction. At 23 hours, right before I go to sleep, my body temp. is 97.28

Sleep 9 = wake up with severe Hypothermia
Sleep 6 = wake up with 94.81 body temp (slight hypothermia)
Sleep 3 = wake up with 96.11 body temp (no hypothermia)
edited 1×, last 22.05.21 10:44:47 pm
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