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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Patch Hotfix 5-23-21

Super User Off Offline

Ok, here is a hotfix addressing the pet dog eating while in stay mode. Also includes sleeping in winter with/without a bed. (Hypothermia)

With a bed your BT will stabilize at 98.6 when waking up. Without any type bed, your BT will drop (in winter only) according to how many hours you chose to sleep. (9 hrs/-4, 6 hrs-2.5, 3 hrs/-1.2). Any bed you sleep at will always stabilize your BT to 98.6 UNDER ALL CONDITIONS YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SLEEP, and IN ALL SEASONS.

> Patch-Hotfix

1) Download and Unzip the folder Win.rar or other unzipping program.
2) Drag/Drop or Copy/Paste both files into your /sys folder.
3) Choose replace or copy over...replace old files.
4) Close all windows and play
edited 1×, last 23.05.21 03:24:11 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

delete the one ya downloaded and redownload please...i just downloaded it and opened it...i verify each download and sometimes it is a Mediafire issue.

might want to use Win.rar to unzip

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

is there a way to show all the update files in this thread?
I am not sure how it all works, but I bet the link from first page doesn't have all the recent fixes (recent i mean from last year since the date on the first page)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Tix!
The download on page 1 is always the latest update i released. With covid and RL shit, I have not worked on the mod much this past year and a half.

The only fix you can add to the current update on page 1 is the PATCH-HOTFIX above on this page...nothing else has been modified or released.

Cheers! I will try to have an official update released asap! Like maybe next month sometime, sorry, uncertain times, and I hope you all are well.

old A couple things about monkeys

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1) The monkey that carry stuff

Not bad, but consider making him to hang out around the player farther away than it does now. As of now, he comes all the way into where we are. Sometimes it is very difficult to carry task without hurting him, e.g. mining, logging

Also, consider requiring feeding him, like the dog.

2) Monkeys that collect resources

This I think you should take a look. I tamed 3 of them and all three have spent all winter stuck on my fences and buildings. I have gotten nothing, 0, from them. Can you make them easier for them to roam more freely? And, can it be that they deposit their collections by the monkey school? Perhaps the monkey school can be a feeding/watering center and a collection center.


I survived winter. Got escape ship + I am in good shape with resources. Now I need to find the clues.

I have yet to try taming the horse, or woman, or workers.

I will report as soon as I escape.
edited 6×, last 04.06.21 08:17:22 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey bud, sorry for delay in getting back....stuff going on cant do much right now. Thank you for the info nad reports...will consider as usual and hope i can do more soon.

Talk soon man!
thank you!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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This game just keeps pulling me back in man, i simply cannot describe it. Thanks for this mod, ill play it again today. Love you all Edit: Man, why is this mod soooo hard on extreme?
edited 1×, last 14.06.21 08:48:31 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey Prinz, I am with u. JJ has made this game way too good. I do disagree about being too hard, I have always, right JJ, this game should be way harder on hardest mode.


I have been looking for clues for the past few days. It has been a bit frustrating. I am not sure if maybe they are spawning inside rocks?

Consider having the pirate to sell those clues. Each level up becomes more expensive of course.

I do not mind to much the current state, I like hard and frustrating, but just know I have toured the (large) island several times around without finding them.

Yes, I know I got to wait days between finding them. I like that idea. But so far I have only found 2, and went I went back in time, I cannot find even the first ones.

If the formula is solid, and it is what it is, I like it. Just please confirm they are not going to spawn inside rocks.
edited 1×, last 15.06.21 05:40:14 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey man, any tips to improve my game? I am always busy finding food and water, i have barely time to explore the map, what am i doing wrong? Also those native people are way too strong what should I do? Man i always encounter natives, lions, monkeys and other hostile the first minute, its unbearable. I just got killed by a shark in the first 10 seconds, lol.
edited 2×, last 15.06.21 10:04:59 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi guys thanks for playing!

Prinz hey:
Start a game on map size = Huge more room and hostiles are spread out more.

Set the game mode to hard instead of expert for your first game.

Avoid hostile until you get advanced weapons

Collect leaves as much as possible until you can cook and grow foods...leaves are annoying to eat constantly but over time becomes less needed.

a hand net does 0 damage...most useful to colloct from plants and such without destroying them. Like getting sugar from the smaller baby bamboo to help exhaustion.

When not sleep for the first 3 days...find something to do to get you through the nights. Sleep 3 hours once you get a message YOU ARE SLEEP DEPRIVED! until you have food and water to sleep full sleeps.

Also if you notice on the left in menus there is the DIARY...inside is a bulk of info. Tabs up top include OPERATIONS & CRAFTING...very useful.

good luck! have fun!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I am frustrated trying to find the clues.

I have played MULTIPLE rounds after day 121 (2nd spring) and although at first I was able to find clues #1 and #2, I then went back in time to day 121, and since then it has been utter frustration.

I stayed in camp until day 127, just to make sure there was enough time for the first clue to spawn. After that, I have gone around the island, bordering the beach, very carefully, and have not found it. That I have done a few times without success.

I even went to the "lakes" (water spots around the island). But no luck.

My fear is, the clues spawned inside a big rock and I can't see it.

I fear this may happen because a few times there has been a glitch and I have fallen inside a big rock without a way to get out, and there have been resources in there, etc.

Could you please look into this?

Maybe a temporary fix is to have the pirate sell clues. Each level up cost more. I am not sure how easy it would be to make the game be that when I buy clue #3 from pirate, then #4 should spawn. Maybe it is not feasible.

I do not know, but I am frustrated. The past 2 weeks I have been past winter, I got plenty of resources and full main camp + subcamps all around the island, just looking for those clues, but no luck.

Also, just to consider, can we make a bell for the pirate to come towards the camp? Perhaps make it as a building that it requires a dock near by.

As always, thanks for the help!!!


(1) Start a game with largest map, regular terrain, and not the hardest mode.

(2) First few days you should explore and collect almost all resources that are easy to collect, e.g. that you find on the ground, that you do not need to swing to get them: leaves, branches, mushrooms, insects, bark (from special palm trees), etc., without exerting yourself too much, e.g. do not run or swing too much. The exception is, in my experience, you need to collect and process bark (from the right palm trees) those few hours/days, and the rest of the games when things get though.

(3) You do not need to sleep right away. Avoid building a camp the first couple of days (shelters, fire places, etc.) until you have discovered a good place to settle. Instead, stay up by eating sugar (collect from small bamboo plants). Sometimes "the good place" may be apparent within a few hours, sometimes it may take you a couple of game days, and sometimes you are out of luck and just have to make a call to settle (or restart the game).

(4) So, get out of the beach, and start walking in one direction bordering the beach, either left or right. Harvest all the sugar, mushrooms, snails, and insects, and other easily collectable resources, you can get your hands on (including crabs, turtles, and other small game you can EASILY collect - do not run after them), so you can stay up the first couple+ of nights until the game tells you you HAVE TO sleep or suffer consequences. And then, consider building your first most basic shelter + fire place.

(5) The first thing I do on my games is to get a hammer (the most important tool), then a knife. Then I go for a MAP marker NO. 1, then the 2nd, etc. And as soon as I have explored and planted 4, I make sure I get some charcoal + paper (which most likely requires you to set up your first fire place) so that I can get a map. Often, if AFTER I get the map, I do not like the island (now that I can see the map of the whole island), I restart the game. So usually my first goal is to get my MAP the first 48 hours and decide (a) whether I want to keep playing that island, and (b) if I do, then where am I going to set my main campsite.

(6) While you need to look for a good camp site, the first camp site does not necessarily has to be your ultimate main camp site (eventually you will have multiple camp sites). So, you do not need to plant all 4 map markers and get a map before you commit to a game. But, the first campsite should (a) be safe, away from hostile animals and natives, (b) a water rock near by, (c) resources: fruits and vegetables, fish, game, minerals, etc. (at least some of those). A place that allows you a week+ to gather strength and move forward.

(7) AVOID CONFRONTING NATIVES (or lions, or "hostile" monkeys) AT THE BEGGINING OF THE GAME. Instead, build just a couple of spears right away (for defensive hand combat, not for throwing them), or better JUST RUN!!! BUT MORE IMPORTANT craft a bow and "poison arrows" ASAP (for offensive combat), THESE ARE KEY. So you need a water bottle, poison, feathers, wool or cotton ASAP. Shoot them at whatever and run away; later (hours or days) come back and collect your resources. This works specially well for natives and lions at the beginning of the game. Later on, when you have more powerful weapons, you can refine your tactics.

(7.5) Avoid the water. It gets you wet = slower. It has piranhas and sharks. Now, if you do want to specialize on this, go for it with the right mind set and tools.

(8) After your first camp is set, and you have a map, then GO FOR IRON!!! You need nails ASAP and a compass ASAP. Nails are essential for tools and storages, and a compass is ESSENTIAL for mapping and efficient exploring!

(9) After you are set with your iron tools, then the game become more manageable and you get to pick how you want to play it. You can choose how you want to specialize, e.g. agriculture, fishing, hunting, etc. There is no right answer.

(10) Keep in mind you ALWAYS need to keep exploring for "the clues" to eventually escape the island. You need to be diligent about this early in the game, or you will pay later by having to waste days doing it.

(11) You also need to keep in mind you want to make use of special units as early as possible, but they do take time and effort: sheep, chicken/rooster, monkeys, dogs, horse, woman, workers, etc. -- For example, I usually try to bring a male and female sheep to camp as early in the game as possible, same thing with chicken/rooster... after that things become way easier.

(12) Do not underestimate the usefulness of contacting the pirate ASAP. But, do not overestimate it either. Now, keep in mind, the Pirate is "the market" in the game. You will not get much from it unless you have stuff to trade. And to have stuff to trade, you need to work hard to collect/craft them.

(13) Keep it simple at first. Bark from palm trees (the good ones) are essential the first few days. Getting bottle ASAP is key. Making sure you do not waste too much energy is a must until you have yourself set up with plenty of storages and different sources of calories.

(14) GET READY FOR WINTER! You most likely want a greenhouse! -- which means you have to spend a lot of time collecting clay and crystals -- But most importantly, get plenty of food and liquid sources, both in storage and able to be harvested during winter! Fail to get ready the first few months before winter, and you will DIE!

(15) Ultimately, the goal is to escape the island. I have not done that yet, and I have been playing this before JJ. Good luck!!

JJ, what did I miss?
edited 33×, last 19.06.21 06:24:43 am

old Bees

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How exactly does the bee keep work? I only got honey once and not anymore this 2-3 Weeks, I dont get it. Also how do I use the water pump?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Beehive: if there are bees, they should produce honey every few days, so if two weeks have passed without it sparking with loot, try adding few bees...just toss them there
Waterpump: same as beehive, red sparks: just wait for it to fill a little, if its not red, you should be able to use bottle on it or drink from it like from water bucket...
If none of these timed productions work, then perhaps redownload the game?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Aedolaws. . .did not miss a thing. . . hahahaha gg.

Prinz. . .can go to DIARY - Operations tab. . .read/learn about both the Bee Keeper and Water Pump

Tix. . . Hi. . .*Pokes you in the eye*

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yes, ya needed to release bees at the bee keeper and have enough to make honey.

You need to build the water pump on a underground spring, that you find when digging with a shovel...under DIGGING SKILLS once you level up in digging.

Stepping stones are decorative stones to make pathways, walkways, patios, floors, etc.

old Clues & monkeys

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Hey JJ,

I am still struggling with the clues.

I went back and managed to find clue #1. Then waited a day (and) a second, went around the island twice, but I could not find #2.

How does it work? Does #2 (and later ones) spawn right away? Or do I need to wait X time? If so, how much?

I think monkeys need a tune up. My gatherers are always stuck somewhere, I have not collected anything from them. And my cargo monkey needs to stay away when i am hitting stuff.

I am not sure if you are still working on the game, if not, not a problem.

But please clarify the mechanics of the clues. Again, I am afraid they may spawn within rocks and therefore the player is unable to see them = collect them.


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline


Clue #2 will not spawn until clue #1 is found. and so on.

When a clue spawns, if it is not found within 2-3 days it is deleted and another of the same # is spawned on change day at midnight. (this was in cases where they spawn in a rock or tree to allow a new spawn to be potentially found)

Clues always spawn on the beaches and/or anywhere the map has low terrain inland. . .like around the entire island shore, or inland where you may find ponds or really low terrain without grass. Same as the seashell or starfish.

Each clue has a threshold of days that must pass before it begins to spawn, provided the previous # clue was found. Example: Clue #1 will start to spawn after 3 days on the island. then go up in days incrementally...7 days, 14, 30, 60, 90 etc. By SPRING of year 2 is the earliest you can possible find all 6 clues. You must spend 1 year (all 4 seasons) on the island before the last clue begins to spawn the following spring. (if you found the other clues of coarse)

There is a entry in the diary covering this but is very general. I am not certain when I will be able to get back to updating...and will keep in mind all suggestions in this thread.

thank you all for playing and for feedback, hope ya have fun!

old Body Temperature

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The body temperature mechanic in winter is broken. The BT rises and rises, even when doing nothing which causes me to have a heatstroke. I tried putting off my clothes and everything. I have to sleep every 4 hours to cool down but otherwise nothing helps. How can i fix this or delete this mechanic? Solved it: I kept the running button on somehow.
edited 1×, last 06.07.21 04:39:08 pm
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