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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I made the monkey mine that I was talking about in my suggestions if you want to put it into the next update. I think there are a few things that i modified besides the monkey mine, most notably the speed of the hammer, but since you would just be pulling the code that you want out, I don't think you will mind them too much. I also plan to hand this over to builder for when he makes his official update to the mod.

I uploaded the entire mods folder just in case anyone wants to test it. It seems to work fine but I haven't tested every possible combination. to unlock the building either tame a monkey or use the console to execute the script "unlockbuilding 50;" minus the quotes of course.

link removed by popular demand.

Edit: While I'm on the topic of having monkeys do things for you, I had the idea of a monkey explorer that "travels" to other islands and gathers materials based on what you give him.

My initial plan is for it to look like the docks, with an interface that gives you three options:
Hire a monkey(up to 4) which calls a tamed monkey from somewhere on the island to it.
Give supplies, which opens a screen that allows you to give supplies in the form of food, water, bananas and tools.
Set sail! This option "sends the monkeys to another island" for a certain amount of time, up to a week based on how much food and water they brought. For example, 1 bread and water could last 1 monkey for a day. The monkeys will consume up to 3 bananas per day to improve the chances of finding an item by up to 50 percent. There will be 20 chances of finding something per day plus 30 for each monkey past the first. The base chance of finding something will be 15% divided into equal chances for hunting, gathering, and logging. The aforementioned bananas increase the chance by 10%, 30% or 50% based on how many they have, while tools multiply the chance by 2 for iron and 3 for steel. The possible tools will be axes, machetes, and scythes. Additional items will provide other effects. Having 2 flint per monkey will result in their returning cooked food, firearms and health potions reduce the chance that a monkey will be lost. gold nuggets allow them to "trade" for items, giving them a chance to find things 2 times per nugget, and maps shorten the travel time effectively giving them another day to search.

Does anyone have ideas about this design? It will undoubtedly be bigger than the monkey mine but I think it will add a lot to the later game when your basic survival needs are met and you are considering starting over.
edited 2×, last 28.11.12 06:58:57 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

download the new full game from the link in the opening of this thread.

Shouldnt have anything like them bugs in it. The logs yes, from larger trees you get more logs then a smaller palm. It also takes more hits to chop them down. That is original coding I have not modified.


I have downloaded the monkey script and will check it out. I like the idea presented...and will get back to you on this idea.

I would like the players to play this latest download for over 60 game days before I consider adding anything new. For a few reasons i won't get into. One is: I want the current players who have downloaded my latest links, a break from having to download or start over.

But let me check out the monkey...i do like the concept. I am not sure what I can or can not code for that...I am truly a noob coder. The easy fixes I present in my Mod version of MM was alot of work for me, where a pro coder would have did it all in just a few took me months.

thanks all for your inputs...i'll keep up on fixing the bugs as priority patches, keep informing us of found issues and ideas...murloc has some upcoming patch/s with some things of improvment.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

If you downloaded the latest FullGame_FullGPX_11_05_2012 from the opening post, be sure to add the BugPatch01_11_05_2012 listed below it. They go together and it fixes a couple major things.


your welcome...enjoy!

old New Version! v11102012

User Off Offline

Yes, I know that version number is kind of hard to read, but using the date as the version number just makes things so much easier to keep track of.

Anyway, this new version essentially fixes alot of the non-essential things and polishes up the game, so that it's alot more presentable.

Here are the practical changes since Nov 5 and its associated Nov 5 bugfix patch:


Redid the controls, grammar, and spelling fixes. This version is essentially the same as the 11_05_2012 bugfix update, but with most of the text fixed.

Multi-item crafting.
For those users that want to do more surviving and a little less item processing.

The Auto Hammer.
Ever find it boring to have to sit around a building as it slowly builds? Well, now you just need to spam the Alt-fire button until the building is built! The Auto Hammer is made by combining gold, your Steel Hammer, and a bunch of steel bars.

With the higher level tools, you'll need to craft them next to a Forge, then attack them with the right kind of hammer.

old Newbie

User Off Offline

Hello, I'm new to this game, and I appologize...
But I have now downloaded Stranded II, and I wonder how I get the "newest game"
I've seen the download link at the top of this tread, and I understand I must download it, but from there I'm lost... I'm new to all of this mod-things....

Thanks in andvance..

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I really love this mod, but I've been having a problem with the normal difficulty. I can't find any of the water collecting rocks, which means I can't build a forge on one. Is there another way to make a forge?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi...after you download the zip need WINZIP or WINRAR to unzip it into any folder of your choice, or its own folder. Stranded 2 is a separate game you dont need to have it to play this, this is a stand alone game mod.;)
If you use WINZIP on the right side you will see a radio button to unzip ALL FILES...tick that and then click UNZIP.

Once you unzip just go into the main folder and click the MasiveMod.exe to start the game. You can also drag the icon onto your desktop for easy play next time. Read the 5 subject DIARY when you start a game.

to add the BugPatch01...unzip it, read the Instruction.txt to see where to copy the 1 folder/ 3 files too. Easy peasy

No adventure mode sorry.

If you use a hammer or pick and beat on those rocks you see around you will hollow it out to hold water or make a forge.
edited 5×, last 11.11.12 07:38:11 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks, done that Is it not adventure-mode on this?

Edit: Thank you I thought it was something wrong with my game when I did'nt see the adventure mode...
Now I'll play a random map to see how this works.
edited 1×, last 11.11.12 07:39:54 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I'm sorry to say that the monkey explorers i was planning are beyond my modding skills. I would be able to do it if the command references were in english though, so if anyone could find a translation i would be willing to try it again.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline


I found the bug you spoke of with making dough. you are correct it is an error in the code. I add the fix next update.

for now...

If you go to the Massive_Mod\mods\sys folder and click on the items_edible.inf it and scroll to you see this text below

on:use {          if (skillvalue("cooking")<25){

change that "<" to ">" so it says ">25)" then click FILE and SAVE... that will fix it.

thanks for the feedback bro

got that one murlocdummy - heads up?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline


hi...thanks for the bug report...fixed...will add to the new update.

If you look in your Diary under the CRAFTING tab you will see many combinations including how to make lantern parts. Also a tutorial for Lantern in the Operations tab.

lantern dome= fused silica + bamboo + fire

you will see the lantern dome along with glass bottles when you combine fused silica with bamboo at a fire.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

I hate to ask but what link should I click. Could somebody post all the needed site to the mod on the next reply?

Never mind I've found it now, anyway could the modder create a wiki to the mod so that it would not be so confusing?

I just don't know is the mod is complicated or I'm a NOOB!
edited 1×, last 13.11.12 12:38:19 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

the full game and patches are on page 1 at the top of the thread. You will find all updates there.

read the 5 tabs in the DIARY at the start of, and throughout, your game and you shouldn't have a problem. The skills are listed as you play in the CHARACTER the skill to see details.
edited 1×, last 14.11.12 06:35:26 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

user Firefly has written
Some of the building is complicated like water pump where should I build it and also the forge and the lave forge...

to build a water pump, you got to prospect a underground spring with your shovel.

to build a forge, use a hammer to hit a rock 50 times to make it become a dry basin, then you can build a forge on it.

lava forge, you got to find a lava underground by build a mine.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

For the latest download I see 91 people downloaded the FullGame11-05 while only 37 downloaded the BugsPatch01.

The FullGame11-05 needs the BugsPatch or you will experience a broken hand-torch and lack of Oil to run the Oil Lantern. Along with a couple other issues the patch fixes.

Be sure to download the bugspatch01 along with the game on page 1 at the top, in the opening post.

ty kk,
for helping firefly.
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