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English Inactive Users

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old closed Inactive Users

User Off Offline

Hi DC,
i suggesting you to remove users that have >3 years of inactivity because they will not come here again, they registered here and they maybe forgot that they are registered here, so please reset the usgn user list and filter the inactive users, or add an option to unrealsoftware that any user that have not been played a game/online will be banned and add when he banned for inactivity and he must send an email to your email containing
His username:
His password:
to unban him

old Re: Inactive Users

User Off Offline

I guess you want short USGNs?
I think the inactive users WON'T be deleted. Ever.

Imagine, if you get lost and you come back home after 5 years and ALL of your accounts would be deleted due inactivity: your e-mail including thousands of e-mails and photos, social network account with all your chats and memories posted... would you like that?

old Re: Inactive Users

Admin Off Offline

Hi user mr_s,
this makes no sense. Inactive users don't cause any problem or damage. Implementing an account deactivation and re-activation system would just be a waste of my time as it wouldn't help anyone and it wouldn't improve anything. The opposite would be the case: It would just make everything more complicated and annoying!
By the way: You are not the first one requesting something like that. Please search before posting.

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