plese teach me idk how to mack
the hp/lv and the money
plese help and thank
name = 'XXXX', health = 4000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/XXXXX.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4, 		atk = 2000, def = 520, spd = 11, atkspd = 11, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, spawnchance = 100, runat = 20, spawn1 = {XXX, XX}, spawn2 = {XXX, XXX}, 		exp = 5000, money = 3000, loot = {{chance = 8000, id = 733}}, spc = {500, function(self, id, dist) 			parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 10 -40') 			parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 0 255 255") 			radiusmsg("XXXX heal himself!", self.x, self.y) 			radiussound("XXXX.ogg", self.x, self.y) 		end},