
downgrading to windows vista is always a good idea
If your CS2D feels laggy your graphics card or processor is pretty much very bad and you should upgrade to something better generally to get better FPS and a better gaming experience in general.

It's completely useless to reply on this, OP probably has kids now.

very bad idea to use programds like that
I second that, programs like these are more likely to slow your computer down even further or to even break something.
It's better to learn what makes your computer slow and approach it head on to fix it.
It could be as simple as an outdated software and as complicated as faulty RAM, but something is clearly wrong and it's up to you to uncover that.
Alternatively, consult with your local tech support.

But anyway @

This all might feel manual and slow as compared to just having a magical software to do it for you, but most of those programs are just going to make things worse by installing drivers that do not belong on your computer and/or trying to update software but bricking it instead.
Just do it yourself, it's smarter.


MaksDragon, @
Mami Tomoe: the user @
khaled1968 might mean not a pc booster as You may thought, but an utility to download missing/update software, not a thing like "click the button and Your pc turn into rocket".
But anyway @
blurr, tell us what have been changed with Your pc last time and what drivers You have used before and what is currently used. Without any additional information is hard to tell a thing.

But anyway @

sorry i forgot to tell the specs of my pc
my pc specs :
2 gram
prossesor : intel r pentium 4 3 ghz
i think these are the whole things you need to fix the lag / drop fps
from my pc
note : i had these problems when i downloaded the game now i play well but i still dont play so smooth now i get about 40 fps because i download the lastest version for my drivers and i did everything to speed my pc this is a hint for all if you have lag / drop fps in your pc
thanks for trying help me

i dont have GPU

blurr Download and update your PC drivers to the latest version.

i downloaded it from 2 years and guess what happened
my pc exploded
it is bad idea if you want to speed up your pc by downloading programs

You must have some sort of GPU to have a display. Since Pentium 4 did not have iGPU, you must have something like an AGP card.
AIDA64 can tell it or just type "dxdiag" in search and give us the output from the "Display" tab once it is opened.
Could you try to start CS2D with OpenGL instead of DirectX?