DoS Attacks
DoS Attacks
115 replies At least we were able to play yesterday, even though the server names didn't appear (Hail the favorites list!) and without ranks.
I personally understand that it's not @
DC , those retards have to do something better such as getting a life instead of attacking a free game, this world is so cruel I was feeling that sisla was my friend but after this attack,
:O. he use a vpn for all this. his Skype I'd maybe have fake info . He lives in us (maybe). For sure his gmt is +1,he was helping me to catch a ddoser in December 14 ,but why he had done this :@
Sisla: @
kkkkkkk: Because some of those servers that you said it didn't appear because the U.S.G.N service was crashed too among with the
website and other sub-websites like, and so on.
As for the "cruel world" there always has been like this and there always will be such bad things and cruel things and there are tons reason why they attack other games community, websites, forums, etc.
There doesn't exist only one reason why they do all such stupids things like DoSing, DDosing and other kind of attacks related to the DoS familly. I think he had done all this because he was getting a temp bans in a row for his comments.but that's his mistake not Dc 's Or
mistake.plz dos this ip u may get some help ( for those retarded dosers). DC Admin
The U.S.G.N. now works again too. Sorry for the trouble. This is a great news :@1 thanx for it. As for the reasons why they do, i will post some reasons here and i think this might help:
Jealousy/hate: Well, that's no doubt, if someone is really jealous or has so much hate the user can express his/her hate by cause harm in a specific website, forum or game community.
Expression of anger/strong and bad criticism: As for this, this is a bit similar to the first reason but what for the criticism the user can criticize in such a bad manner for exbihiting some actions.
For fun:I have nothing about it, if someone that have such an immature behavior he/she can just attack the specific victim just to make himself/herself better. DC Admin
Sisla recently violated the rules with offending posts and got temp banned for that. Standard procedure, nothing special. This probably was enough reason for him to unleash total chaos and to make everyone suffer for his own mistakes. So everything is working again? Finally. @
THEMUD: As we can see now the U.S.G.N service is stable and working without problems for now, however the "Attack DoS,DDos War" isn't finished at all because we will face another attack but this more in the future, anyway let's hope that all this madness will stop. @
GeoB99: Wait, this will 'Now' happen daily? that idiolect Loser, But..nvm DC Admin
I assume that the attacks should be over for now but of course it's just a matter of time until the next kid thinks that DDoSing little websites is super cool and funny and totally "anonymous-hacker-style"... Well the future is gone (Fucked) by kids hacking and raging and shit.
I was trying to enter but had to wait until...umm at 7-5 pm,
How long does take to..umm recover the site data again. I suggest to stop the host for a little bit, then start it again. DC Admin
... ? The site is working again because the attacks stopped. I don't need to stop or restart or recover anything. Not restarting or rebooting, just stop the host. 1uP User
it will be fine til another retarded kid like ex0 ddos it again...
this is sad For the kid who [D]DOS ed USGN- Hey, DC. The attacks yesterday made me unable to script (atleast at half). Can you give us the page with hooks/funcs. for download offline?