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English CS2D Language File Git Repo

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old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

@user Talented Doge: You need a compatible font for it. For Chinese, search your C:\Windows\Fonts folder for Microsoft YuHei UI Regular (File name is msyh.ttc). Copy it to *CS2D root*\gfx\fonts. Then add this in the language file:
That was the one I used, but you might not have it if you have a different OS (I have Windows 10).
edited 1×, last 09.12.15 11:56:32 am

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

i think there is problem with ASCII, UTF-8 and Unicode,
in same way that don't recognize cyrillic character correctly and show it as null characters

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Moderator Off Offline


Fairly sure Bitbucket fucked up with the encoding type in the previous commit back then and now all characters with diacritic are turned in A. Luckily, the last commit didn't screw up with the characters encoding so that's a good point. It'd be appreciated if you can update CS2D again by replacing the last updated translation file only.

• Bump: Unfortunately I have lost access to my Bitbucket account thus I'll get the advantage of File Archive to update the translation file. If you, user DC, can implement my updated file cs2d Italian Translation for CS2D when you have your spare time it'll be a pleasure.
edited 2×, last 29.04.17 08:34:18 pm

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Moderator Off Offline

Ah everyone btw must use UTF-8, but not ANSI, I've seen many language file formats use ansi which makes no sense.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

@user DC: I hate to bother you but a few days ago I helped some friends to create a pull request for Spanish, and there's an error and I'm not really sure how to fix it, I'm pretty new at bitbucket tbh.


I made a new commit changes to check if this can be fixed.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

user Ishara has written
@user DC: I hate to bother you but a few days ago I helped some friends to create a pull request for Spanish, and there's an error and I'm not really sure how to fix it, I'm pretty new at bitbucket tbh.


I made a new commit changes to check if this can be fixed.

Well.. By resolving conflicts manually it means that you open your source and git's source and add your update manually.
Conflicts can appear when you're commiting old version of the translation. For example actual version is r15535, someone edited it and commited, so new version is r15536, and you also commited your version which is r15535, and tada, conflict, because you didn't update the file before rewritting.. There are merging and conflict solving tools.

old Thanks

User Off Offline

Amazing answer @user ImCloudy: thank you for your help!

I'll keep that in mind.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

Yes, someone else already updated the Spanish language file recently. So there are changes from two different sources and the system can't decide automatically which changes should be used. You have to do that manually.

Unfortunately I can't judge which changes to use because I don't understand Spanish at all...

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

I sent a message on bitbucket, anyways I'm leaving the same message here just in case.

Well, this was made by a team in Spain, there are a few things different from South America / Latin. Based on diacritics and words approved by RAE. Maybe this can be selected as Spanish (International) file. Like Portuguese from Brazil and Portugal.

Up to you DC, regards!

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

Which version is international Spanish? Yours or the other one? Of course we can introduce 2 Spanish translations if it makes sense.

btw regarding Chinese: Chinese is now available as separate download because it requires quite a big alternative font containing all the required characters. It is available from the cs2d download page / here:
(just extract to your CS2D folder)

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

LOL, I know. To avoid more issues, I will create a new pull request with the Spanish International (Spain), so you can leave the actual Spanish file as South America Spanish. What do you think?

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

Sure, name should be "Spanish (International).txt" though, following the naming scheme.

lol you changed English.txt ... but no worries I'll fix that manually. You don't need to do anything.

Thank you for the translation
edited 1×, last 13.05.17 05:22:55 pm
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