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English CS2D Language File Git Repo

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old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Talented Doge
User Off Offline

@user DC: I have edited the Chinese Traditional language file and have provided a new open source font(Gen Jyuu Gothic) which displays better than the default one. The original language file has got something useless and I have deleted them, as well as refining some translation. However I am too lazy to install git once again, so I will give the link right here.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

Ok, will update.

I'm not sure if BlitzMax / CS2D supports OTF. But looks like it doesn't. With a certain font format there was also a weird thing regarding file name and actual font name. You had to specify the actual font name and not the file name for loading as far as I remember. But maybe I'm wrong...
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