Player 10: Be 10th player with nickname "Player". Wizard: Open 100 doors. Sweet Spot: Idle under the palm for more than a minute. Friend Or Foe: Hidden achievement. Say "no kill frends pls" more than 100 times. Words can be in any order. KTO POLAK?: Be Polish. Va Banque: Forget to buy weapons, when time to buy weapons has passed already. Casual: Win a round without moving. Spectator: Die in first 15 seconds of the round. The Game: Drop the bomb in any unreachable place. MVP: Be AFK with a bomb. TN Anonymous: Be votekicked 5 times in a row. Bulldozer: Destroy 20 team buildings within 1 minute. Still Counting: Spawnkill more than 200 players. The Maze: Block spawn with your buildings on a server where destroying team buildings is forbidden. Goldfinger: Kill all enemy team with Glock. Pro Gaming Network: Be banned from more than 30 servers. The Boss: Win whole round by only moving slowly (holding Shift). Meatspin: Spin more than 100 times withing one round. Filthy Rich: Have 16k and spend them all, then lose the round. Sniper Elite: Hidden achievement. Buy 3 AWPs within one round, while your teammates are already equipped.
The more players, the more features I am able to test at the same time. Yet I really want to make script very stable without any bugs regardless players count on the server.
There are many issues that happens only when there are/were many players.
@ Inflexion: Like SQ and Yates they both said you can. And abuse and hacks? where did those come from? you've clearly been to some other map. if you want add @ SQ: and you can help him out or just see what he says
@ Inflexion: Not sure we are talking about the same server. Who abuses what and why are you not using !report to report hackers? hm?
Beta testing with a shit ton of players is the BEST thing you should do. Find and fix bugs faster and gain a player database while working on the script! It's brilliant.
Ideas: Name - Mission - Game Mode Try harder next time - Get a enemy to 1hp and die. - ALL Shame on you - Kill 5 stealth players with a pistol. - CONSTRUCTION Unstoppable - Carry the flag for longer than 10 minutes without losing it. - CONSTRUCTION Hard to defeat - Survive a whole round without dying once. - STRANDED
These are just my ideas, I hope they havent been used.
And yes I'm aware of the horrible names.
Edit: I noticed @ Inflexion: commented before me so credit to him on the unstoppable one