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English USGNME - Global Stats

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old USGNME - Global Stats

Moderator Off Offline

I'm posting this thread to collect opinions and suggestions regarding a project I've been working on.

Some of you may know gameME, which is a global statistics tracker for many Source and GoldSrc games. It collects statistics in real time and stores them on a central server, where they are processed and publicly displayed. This adds a new layer of competition to the games it supports - players try to be not only the best on the servers they frequent, but also the best in the game overall.

My project works in much the same way. Player statistics are sent to a central server from all game servers connected to the network, and are processed there to calculate other stats and display them on a public web front end.

The network is currently built for Standard servers only - preferably competitive servers, generally ones without gameplay modifications that would be able to skew statistics in a major way. It may eventually be extended to support separate statistics for Construction servers and the like, but that is low on the priority list at the moment.

From a technical point of view, a server connected to the network will have to run a small Lua binding working in tandem with a Python script. No external dependencies except for Python 2.7 will be necessary to run it. Depending on your firewall configuration, you may have to allow outbound packets to a certain IP through port 10000.

What I'm looking for currently is suggestions for statistics you would like to see and especially servers to partner with for testing.

If you have ideas on how to award and balance the skill points (awarded for different events in-game), leave feedback here or contact me directly.

If you host a standard server that gets a reasonable amount of traffic and you'd like to participate in the testing programme, contact me (chapaev50 on Skype would be nice) and we'll hook up your server to the network.

Prototype lists >

Thanks to Yates for providing hardware for testing purposes
edited 1×, last 29.11.15 09:55:03 pm

old Re: USGNME - Global Stats

User On Online

Really nice idea, but
user EngiN33R has written
No external dependencies except for Python 2.7 will be necessary to run it.
why still work on py27

old Re: USGNME - Global Stats

Moderator Off Offline

user ohaz has written
why still work on py27

Basically what user oxytamine said. It's still more robust. Perhaps I'll make the switch one day.

user Andrez has written
I'm interested In adding this to pcs USA svs (standard and mix)

Cool, contact me on Skype and I'll walk you through setting it up.

old Re: USGNME - Global Stats

Moderator Off Offline

@user mrc: EngiN33r ideas is to share statistics between servers.
..and my name is not "Simona"

Admin/mod comment

Unless you're a girl /user Rainoth
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