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English CS2D New Optional Camera Look

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This feature should be in the game?

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102 votes cast

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

User Off Offline

Aug/SG552 = 1.125x distance (or less)
Scout/AWP/G3SG1/SG550 = 1.25x distance (or less)
Rest = normal
edited 1×, last 30.03.17 02:01:00 am

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

User Off Offline

Yes optional for server and client sided, and i like that feature it is more realistic(player seems to be focused)
That version is good(maybe a bit more) and yes for scoped weapon it need more.
I think it need limit aim range to nearby walls - in this way player can't see anything through walls
Please add lua command for using all new features.
edited 1×, last 30.03.17 06:59:21 pm

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

User Off Offline

Shall be optional(thread name)
And i'd like to see it too. ~Until it changes old completely ;d~
edited 1×, last 30.03.17 04:50:52 am

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

User Off Offline

Hm,much better than the current one which pans the camera to the player only and it’s kinda make make cs2d boring.This one kinda give an action a bit.

P:S:Now,cs2d more like side-scroller type game.

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

User Off Offline

if it was default it would just destroy the game.


but if its optional... does it have any use?

since it seems that you already coded it hah

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

Moderator Off Offline

user Andrez has written
if it was default it would just destroy the game.


but if its optional... does it have any use?

since it seems that you already coded it hah

It was literally 2 lines to change

old Re: CS2D New Optional Camera Look

Admin Off Offline

Makes aiming much harder and confusing. Also may break some existing map layouts because you can suddenly see farther than the map designer intended.
I voted for no.
edited 1×, last 30.03.17 01:21:04 pm
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