To perform action 2 players must simultaneously press 2 different buttons (

map = {} map.b1name = "button1"	-- entity name for button 1 map.b2name = "button2"	-- entity name for button 2 map.trigger = "entity"		-- entity name to trigger -- because of latency and that players can't possibly press the buttons at the exact same time, a delay must be allowed between button presses map.pressdelay = 300		-- milliseconds map.pressdelay = map.pressdelay / 1000 map.pressedtime = 0	-- keep track of when buttons where pressed map.firstpressed = false map.pressid = 0 addhook("usebutton", "map.usebutton") function map.usebutton(id, x, y) 	local e = entity(x, y, "name") 	local t = os.clock() 	-- return if it's neither of the buttons 	if e ~= map.b1name and e ~= map.b2name then 		return 	end 	-- is it the first button pressed? 	if not map.firstpressed then 		map.firstpressed = e 	end 	-- if the first one is pressed again, reset the timer and player id 	-- this is also done on the first button press 	if e == map.firstpressed then 		map.pressedtime = t 		map.pressid = id 		return 	end 	-- the second button was pressed. check if they where pressed quickly enough and by different players 	if (t - map.pressedtime) <= map.pressdelay and map.pressid ~= id then 		parse('trigger "' .. map.trigger ..'"') 	end 	-- reset everything 	map.pressedtime = 0 	map.firstpressed = false 	map.pressid = 0 end