here's a link http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=17281 if you remember it then you're lucky because this post is about the
sequel i planned and make for months

story, its game theme style with seasonings of lore, and good mapping, im a 4 years cs2d
mapper (cs2d so im truly good at this.

its a Black Mesa themed (on original map) style of escape nazi mod series

i made a mod that makes suitable for this map like replacing the soldiers to alien grunts.

supported lightmap, i think it will be great.

and tested the entire gameplay.

7/31/18 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlgzghFW3LY
9/12/18 -

2/2/19 - last year. 2018 december was my initial release.. but then this occurs this bug was my worst nightmare. i tried reset to my last save of my map, many entities have gone.. until it was finally removed, but some entities are gone. i lost my motivation.. this month maybe im gonna release only the beta old file.. its time to say goodbye
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edited 4×, last 02.02.19 10:17:56 am