edit leaderboard
edit leaderboard
4 replies can i edit leaderboard? with notepad i cant do that, right? DC Admin
No, the data is stored in a binary format and not in a plain text format. Therefore Notepad (or any plain text editor) is not the right tool.
A Hex editor would work but would still be quite annoying to use and it would also require some knowledge about the format.
Luckily you can find some tools in the file archive which make editing the stats file really easy.
For instance
User stats editor v2 - Steam support (5)
Attention: Editing such files happens at your own risk. I highly recommend to make a backup beforehand! @
DC: this programm dont working good. What hex editor i can use/? @
Mami Tomoe: working good. but looks so hard to just edit leaderboard schedule lol....