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Realism in FPS
Realism in FPS
4 replies Am I the only one that's kinda annoyed by this? It might just be me, and I understand why people would want it, but I feel like developers are trying way too hard to make their generic military shooter #267616 way too realistic. I mean I can understand not wanting to make it look cartoonish (like TF2 for example), but idk it just seems like every fps is trying too hard to make it overly realistic. Realistic is the main stream. People will buy and play it. When you make fantastic stuff you take risks. @
Fair enough, it just seems way too overused. DC Admin
Are you talking about FPS games in general or really only military shooters?
I agree that there are few military shooters which don't try to look real. I guess that big AAA studios prefer to make stuff look real because that's what most people expect and want - and it works and sells well as
Masea already noted. E.g. Call of Duty, Battlefield and Counter-Strike.
There are a few counterexamples though. E.g. right now Battle Bit Remastered is kind of hyped. It has a super simple Minecraft-like low poly look.
There are also many non-military shooters with a cartoony look. Also some by big AAA studios and some of them actually count to the most popular shooters right now. Like Valorant, Fortnite or Overwatch (2). @
DC: When it comes to BattleBit Remastered, it is only visually unrealistic. The rest is pretty realistic as it doesn't even have the traditional reload mechanic where actual mags are taken into account.
I mean: Realistic as in people can intuitively get the hang of the game. When you shoot a gun it doesn't release laserbeams or whatnot but real muzzle flashes so you know what it's about.