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Englisch CS2D Max - Suggestions

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alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


The Professional hat geschrieben
I suggest that in Construction Mode the players must be able to repair their Turrets and the Turrets of others by hitting them with the Wrench and the Turrets and Dispensers should display their health in percent when you point at them.
I like that idea, health bars for buildings. That would be quite good, also they should have something like 50% transparency perhaps?

Health bars for buildings should be able to get enabled/disabled just incase if someone doesn't want it.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


I think there should be setting to see other peoples health, although I would consider that as cheating to see other people's halth, but some people have been saying thats better if you could.

Maybe health bars for people? oO

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

The game is way more fun when you can't see your enemies health I also think the health bars for the buildings in construction would be a very good idea

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

of course will not see the health of enemies. we are just talking about the health of buildings. I already added this feature and it will be available with the next release. you will also be able to repair buildings (which costs a bit money each time you hit a damaged building with the wrench).

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


Will some of these things below be added sometime around?

Dual elites, flash lights, shotgun reload (shells)?

I'm suggestion a secondary shield when wielding a pistol. Just like it works in CS 1.6 so you can't fire when shield is in the way. If that's possible.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Hmm, Dual Elites would be nice.

By flashlights, do you mean on the guns or just a flashlight?

I think DC already mentioned he won't be making the shotguns reload in shells.

The tactical shield should be left alone... It's fine the way it is.

DC hat geschrieben
We are just talking about the health of buildings.

Well Redemption also mentioned Players health.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


I ment flashligt as alone, and in my view the flash light could be turned on/off by they "F" key, and be used with any weapon. But not implemented on to the weapons, just as a seperate flash light.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

I'm still not understanding you quite right. As in alone, do you mean that you would you have to switch to it to use it?

But you also say...

KimKat hat geschrieben
that could be used with any weapon.

Which means it must be coming from the weapon... so it's basically implemented on to the weapon and you could turn it on and off by using the "F" key. Or are you still trying to say something else which I'm not understanding?

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Moderator Off Offline

KimKat hat geschrieben
I ment flashligt as alone, and in my view the flash light could be turned on/off by they "F" key, and be used with any weapon. But not implemented on to the weapons, just as a seperate flash light.


alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

change sv_friendlyfire to sv_ff and add an autocompletion feature, when hitting the tab key in the console. e.g. you type sv_f hit the tab key and you see all commands which starts with sv_f

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


Circa hat geschrieben
I'm still not understanding you quite right. As in alone, do you mean that you would you have to switch to it to use it?

But you also say...

KimKat hat geschrieben
that could be used with any weapon.

Which means it must be coming from the weapon... so it's basically implemented on to the weapon and you could turn it on and off by using the "F" key. Or are you still trying to say something else which I'm not understanding?
Lol, I ment it as a seperate flash light which can be turned on/off with the "F" key. Sorry for not making myself clear but I've been sick, and I'm still sick. But I hope you understand now. If not, I don't know what to do!

@Aj: Imagination flash light? my imagination is not that good yet haha.

@leegao: I've looked through the generation of Half-Life and Counter-Strike. There was flash lights in HL and there is no CS 1.6 without flash lights, not even CS:S has forgotten the flash lights. If it can't be implemented to CS2D? it doesn't follow the structure of the CS generation it won't look like a CS generation game in the end. No matter if unrealsoftware is a part of the valve software or not. I still think the game needs to follow the structure. And plus it'll be a fun add-on. You could play some "night maps" and have some flash light fun.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Moderator Off Offline

Just the fact that the flashlight was in the original CS doesn't justify as a reason for its implementation in CS2D.

Can you give us a real reason? In CS there were realtime lighting. In CS2D, lighting is static.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

cs doesn't have realtime lighting. it uses static shadowmaps which have been precalculated

cs:s does it the same way. it just has dynamic shadows for players and physical/moveable objects!

I didn't add the flashlight yet because it is just pretty unimportant and I didn't feel like adding it yet
1× editiert, zuletzt 02.09.08 09:40:09

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Moderator Off Offline

The source engine does support a global illumination that is done in real time though. Of course much of the lighting is precalculated but real time lighting does still exist in the source engine. (Mainly off of textures)

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

I don't want to use this as official mirror anymore because you modify the original zip-file (changed crosshair, player names, servername etc.)

and you could also use e-mail to contact me. this is off topic!
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