wasactualy on my way in to tell that I found out on my own

But thanks anyway

is there a way to asign a key to to do an event ??
if so, then how ?
edited 1×, last 11.10.07 09:17:26 pm
on:use { 	if (getplayerweapon()==[i]ID of Key[/i]) { 		[i]//Do whatever you want 	} else { 		local $tmp; 		$tmp=name("item",[i]ID of Key[/i]); 		msg join("I need a ",$tmo," to open it!"),3; 		freevar $tmp; 	} }
scriptkey=ID,Name Example: scriptkey=0,research
on:keyhit00 { event "research_hit","global"; } on:keydown00 { event "research_down","global"; } on:keyrelease00 { event "research_release","global"; }
local $img; $img="$img"; add "$img=tutorial\grain.bmp";
add join("$","img=tutorial\grain.bmp");
local $img; $img="$img"; add "$img=tutorial\grain.bmp";
add join("$","img=tutorial\grain.bmp");
- utilises $img=tutorial\util.bmp
- utilises $img=tutorial\util.bmp