Stranded II
How do I set all my skills to maximum?
How do I set all my skills to maximum?
9 replies I have been playing Stranded II for awhile now and I get quite bored trying to get all my skills to maximum effectivness. Is there any way I could set all my skills to be able to get every single perk? 1. Open the console (^)
2. Type "/cheat"
3. Select "execute script"
4. Type "incskill "plant", 1800"
Repeat that with "hunt","dig","fish" and "wood". I just proceeded to trying the code you said and it only inceases my planting or whatever I try to increase by 1 no matter what value I imput. Am I doing something wrong? incskill plant 500 Is what I tried along with a few other numbers. DC Admin
you probably did something wrong.
enter it EXACTLY like this:
the quotation marks and the comma are important. otherwise it is not going to work. Thanks DC
Oops, my mistake. I forgot that bloody semicolon
I tried to type in "/cheat" in the consol but it says ERROR: Unknown Command DC Admin
type just cheat or dm (=debug menu) without the / Sweet! Thank you