Stranded 1
Stranded 1
7 replies Hello Unreal Software! I very like computer games and one day i found stranded. Its VERY GOOD game. I play it every day and think : why can't Unreal Software do Stranded 3? It Will be great. In Russia Stranded is very popular. Thank for this game. check the lab button and see that they are busy on CS2D.when they get free time,they maybe do stranded 3. DC Admin
Thank you. It's great that you like it!
However DontKnowToScript already said why I'm not working on a Stranded III. There are other projects I want to finish first. Ok.I will be wait it . And hope it will be soon. DC Admin
it is not even sure if there will be a Stranded III. and I can guarantee that it will not be soon. not before 2010 probably. lol, will be 6 more years i think he didn't meant version but the year 2010!
these are 2 more years! oh,sorry for that i misunderstood you