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Englisch whats happening in Libya?

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verschoben whats happening in Libya?

made in Finland
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I read that Gaddafi has now stated that he's not willing to give the power. He'll fight to the very end and protesters will be executed. Why doesn't EU or USA or UN do something?

EDIt: Damn. I'm sorry! I wasnt careful enough again and now it's in wrong languange!
1× editiert, zuletzt 23.02.11 00:16:28

Admin/Mod Kommentar

moved to the English section

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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I saw on TV news.
He called his people "rats", "drug-addicts", "drunk"... wtf is wrong with that guy?
He is the New Hitler or something.

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made in Finland hat geschrieben
Why doesn't EU or USA or UN do something?

The same reason they ignore any moral obligation... There's no profit or gain in it... I do not agree with this philosophy, but I am not foolish enough to ignore its existence.

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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made in Finland hat geschrieben
World (meaning politicians) is just hopelessly corrupted in every way

Those with money or connections get preference. Those with preference get to seats of power, those with power seek to maintain that power by using money and connections, they seek to gain more money by using power and connections and they seek more connections using money and power.

No where in this system is there any suggestion or inclination to help your fellow man.

Such is the circle of coinage.

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Just because they don't send soldiers, doesn't mean that they do nothing. I'm pretty sure, his money is frozen, and there is already some kind of embargo. Anyway I'm pretty sure that Gadaffi will be executed or overthrown within the next 3 weeks.

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Yeah, it's pretty bad. Could be worse, check out what happened to Zimbabwe in 1990's, their president Mr. Mugabe ( otherwise known as 'Get him the fuck out of politics!' here in ZA ) was causing really bad shit. Then later between 2000 and 2005 he was ordering soldiers to literally cut the arms off of women and children to make them scared so they would vote for him ( which to me makes no sense because: A: They have no fingers to put the little 'X' into the correct box; B: because they should want him out of government for what he did to them; ).

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Gaddafi must leave Libya , like mubarak (Egypt) and Ben Ali in Tunis , Arabic countries finally released from the bad Ruling systems , i hope all Arabic counters do the same.
And now there is many Demonstrations in Arabic countries , in Bahrain , Yemen , Morocco .

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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i dont know what happens but its in all of the arabic countries, in libya the king of president of whatever has gone mad i dont know how and he flames and gone crazy in tunes the president or king has stealed people's money ( 7 miliar dollars or money i dont know how much but its over 9000 !! ) and in morocco (in my country) people has gone mad and has stealed money and food ( dont know what hapoend to mc donalds lol ) and chaos in the cities i live in tetuan and people has burned and crashed and shited on IMG:
( electricty and water society ) that the facture money has gone to far ( 100 $ or a little less ) so people has gone mad because the money they gave was too much and that why they did destroy amendis and i dont know too much what hapens in the world ( sadly i wasnt with the people so i didnt steal a nice phone )

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Big Bang Mafia hat geschrieben
I no like people who kill ither people!

Neither do most people, but there isn't much we can do as neither the EU or the UN give a shit about Libya.

If Gadaffi wasn't such an ass there wouldn't be anymore bloodshed.

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Doberman hat geschrieben
Big Bang Mafia hat geschrieben
I no like people who kill ither people!

Neither do most people, but there isn't much we can do as neither the EU or the UN give a shit about Libya.

If Gadaffi wasn't such an ass there wouldn't be anymore bloodshed.

i will tell you some shit about gadaffi
he came to the moroccan schools when the king hassan 2 was still alive, he saw on the students copy book ( mostahassan "good" hassan "very good" and hassan gidan "exellent") so he came to libya and told all the teachers to write ( mostagadaffi, gaddafi, gadaffi gidan ) because he thought people was writing the king's name, so he wanted that too hes such an idiot

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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The US & EU will do nothing since they are the ones who put Gadaffi in power. Read Howard Zins A Peoples History of America & you will see that historicaly the USA is an imperialist nation IE they take control "influence" of other weaker countries & exploit them often using dictators that they put in power & or military force.

Liybia, Eygpt, & Tunisia are all figting for their own ligitimet freedoms & rights. They are NOT religious zellots or extreemists as the west likes to portray them via propaganda & state coperate media.

If any thing the US is indirectly helping Gadaffi by suplying his mercinary "malitia" with US made vehicals & weapons.

The West's fear of Qaddafi's fall

Conversation with an Egyptian socialist

Qaddafi's bid to crush a revolution

Shock waves from a revolution

I trust the socialist review along with other left wing publications to speak the truth through educated jurnalisim that they have demonstrated time & time again.

alt Re: whats happening in Libya?

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Mephiles hat geschrieben
hes such an idiot

I'll be honest. I have quite a few opinions on some of the Middle-East leaders and some of them are quite mad, Gadaffi being included along with Ahmadinejad.

At least from what I can say, the people of those Countries really don't like their leaders.
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