============== Do and don't
============== You can download it. You can play it. You can host server with it. You can modify it to fit your server need.
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Zombie Horde 4.0.1 Demo - by: fps_css
I had learned and modified the code to fit my mod need. However, it is unlikely I will be able to contact the creator. Therefore there is not much more I can do than to give them credit here.
Special thanks to Game Developers Conference (GDC) for providing me some useful game developing advices. You can check out their Youtube channel at this link.
Other help from:
@DC -- For providing the damage calculation formula which help fix some major bugs
And all the play tester in my server.
======================= Current version is 0.2.0 (Beta)
For this version. A lot have been changed.
I decided to finish the Survivor Building Mechanism and add more abilities to give players more choice of gameplay.
The HUD has been changed a bit for aesthetic purpose.
There's also HUDs that pop and other graphic effects. I have tested on local server and it doesn't lag too much.
However, the performance on my VPS is unstable due to all those effects so if you wish to host a server with my mod, be sure to set.
zf_pophud = false
in the file "zf_variable.lua" if you are experiencing major lag issue.
For now I will look forward to see more feedback from everyone and continue working on more contents.
=============== Change log:
Version 0.2.0: -- Date: Nov 27th, 2019
[added] Most of strings has been moved to "zf_strings.lua". You can localize the mod by modify the strings within it. (Keep in mind that some special characters may interfere with some functions, especially menu functions)
[added] 7 survivor classes. Each will have a Weapon Mastery and an Ability Mastery. Instead of statistic point, player will earn skill point per level to upgrade skills within those Masteries.
[added] Loadout mechanic. Player will carry their loadout inventory through the next spawn. Level up also respawn player on their spot with their remain ammunition. (anything that's not in loadout inventory will be lost however)
[added] Shopping Mechanic for both survivor and zombie. Players can earn credit to spend of those shop by score more kills.
[added] Instant Explosive: You can press left alt to launch instant explosive. They will be recharge each round, or bought from shop.
[added] Skill Button Binds: Some skill can be activate by pressing left ctrl, left shift or space bar. There are HUD that let you know how to activate skill.
[added] Pop HUD Mechanic: Certain events happen can pop some texts on the screen for better visual and understanding toward gameplay mechanics. Please keep in mind that it maybe lag if let enable on a public server. You can disable it by set zf_pophud = false in the file zf_variables.lua
[added] Drone Mechanic as player companion. They will spawn with player who have Chain-Drone Mastery. You can switch between rotate or tracing player foot step using space bar.
[added] Some more hidden mechanisms: Damage boost, speed boost, player's position tracking, damage over time. For gameplay purpose.
[added] Laser Beam Graphic Effect for some skills.
[added] More Sound Effects
[added] More Abilities, Explosive for players to choose.
[changed] Zombie class statistic and skill has been change to better suit against survivor.
[changed] Knockback Mechanism has been moved and modify for hook "always" instead of "ms100" for smother animation.
[changed] Damage calculation has been modified. Also player will have their built in damage reduction statistic that will improve upon level up. Zombies are now immune to gas grenade to prevent team killing from Smoker Zombie.
[changed] Main menu has been simplified for user friendly
[removed][changed] statistic distribution mechanism has been removed. Instead, statistics will increase each level up base on survivor class grow rate
[changed] Code has been sort and spit up into more files for more coding efficiency.
[added] Two new maps. zm_fort and zm_fort_dark (which is a night version of the previous one)
[added] Knockback mechanic: Knockback also works with explosives, some builing, mine and laser mine.
[fixed] Max HP is now displayed properly on the HUD
[added] New preset class included: Bomber Destroyer spawn with a Grenade + Rocket Launcher.
[changed] Some sound effects has been added and replaced.
[changed] Ioncannon Frigate default primary weapon is now Aug
[changed] Eluder Fighter now start with Ammo Backpack skill
[changed] Because of the introduction of knockback mechanism. Zombie's statistic has been improved.
[changed] Normal Zombies slow effect strength is now stronger
[changed] "Slowed!" message will no longer display if the player is already under said status effect.
[fixed] everyone no longer able to do critical attack without the skill.
[fixed] player with id other than 1 can now see your Ammo Backpack skill hud
[fixed][changed] Cripple skill: zombie no longer become faster for a second when slow applied. Also, minimum speedmod is now -15 for this skill.
[added] Game play tips for players on message.
[added] Player data will now be clear when log out. Saving mechanic is still unavailable.
[added] Menu zombie class will now pop up when you will be spawn as zombie.
================= About this mod:
This is a class based zombie mod where player can customize their survivor skills and gain more statistics to fight against hordes of diverse ability zombies.
I took a different approach than Zombie Plague to create a faster pace mod with more diverse game play options.
The goal is to let the player enjoy different building options and provide them a steady difficult curve for engagement.
A better difficult curve: Currently, there are a bot's class builder within the mod.
It provides a basic randomization for bot 's classes.
However, I'm looking forward to a way player can enjoy the game as much as any PvE co-op zombie games out there.
Zombie waves and boss battle: This could be a way to improve game play. By giving spikes of challenge and some valleys of rest player can feel more engage.
Some more skills, customization contents: There are many more skills since the 0.2.0 update. Masteries System is now working. I will add more of these contents when the time and idea is right.
Saving mechanic: I decided to not keep player build after each game section. The reason is that I want to let the player feel fresh to try on different building options. But I will properly include some ranking system in case people need one when the time is right.
More editing friendly script: The script hasn't been cleaned up in the most optimized way possible. However, I have been split into different sections for more efficient coding.
Rework character building system: This has been completed after 0.2.0 update.
Classification: There are 7 classes. Each with a different grown and skill set. Level and experience: Player will start as a Rookie, get the first level up will promote to a different classes. 2 Branches Mastery: Each class will have a Weapon Mastery and an Ability Mastery. Player can earn skill points each level to upgrade skills within these Masteries. Loadout Mechanic: Player can set their loadout if they are not Rookie or Freelancer. Loadout inventory will be keep through spawn.
Classification:There are total of 8 zombie classes. Spawn Rate: There a hidden difficulty curve allow bots to start out simple and then slowly spawn more powerful zombies. Zombie Compositions: Unlike survivors, zombies build are static. But diverse enough to counter most of players approach. Diversity & Counter Play Intuitive: I took advice from George Fan in this video to make each zombie class uniquely different. You don't find zombies with just different hp and speed here. They have different skills, equipment. And when they die, each class will scream differently too. Have fun!
Energy Shield: Kevlar act as a second layer of armor. With proper skill, it can be recharge/repair. If players take damage exceed Kevlar capacity, they will revert back to their base armor with the penetrated damage to be further reduce by said armor. Booster Spray: Which is a skill that will heal, repair Kevlar, and temporally boost player speed. Effect improves by increasing skill attributes. To use, press the spray button (default: T). One of the preset class called "Ramming Dreadnought start with this ability. CT Bots are also coded to to use this when they get hurt. Knockback: If you play Zombie Plague you will know this. Thanks to my contributors, I was able to make it works with mines and explosive. It may feels a little bit different than other mod because the knockback distance are limited and slit into 5 ticks maximum of 0.1 second. The reason is that I want it to feel smooth and also serve the purpose of preventing stuck in the wall. Bot Builder: Bots are able to randomly setting their class. Zombie bots random generator have different spawn rate depend on classes for balancing difficulty.
Final words:
I'm looking for better sound effects for this mod. If you have any better and legal sound effects, please let me know!
Last and most important: I will need a lot of game play feedback. This mod is new and early access. A lot of thing may or may not come true. Decisions may be changed for better or worse. However, if your suggestions are helpful, it could shape the mod in the future. Please help me sincerely!