Hello everybody! This is ctf_growngrass , my newest CTF map. The action takes place in a small area with plenty of nature in it. This map contains bird sounds , nature design, many details, symetrical bases and special features.
One of the special features is that when you take the enemy's flag , this starts an 'alarm' bell which will announce the opposite team that their flag has been taken. Even if you see water all around the island, it's just an illusion because there's not much water only 40% is real, the rest is made of background - there are also invisible gates which will split out the map from the background.
You can find more cool things inside and don't forget to play before posting a comment/rating.
Im making classes 2.0 (special abbilities,more classes,fixed bugs,and more) could i use your map for mod's basic map(will add some lua to map). I ask for permission. :),no biggy if u decline.