Firstly, I apologise for not being able to speak German and having to use English.
Secondly, although i have searched (Both the forums and the game) could someone tell me what the heck a lianas is?
Thanks Admin/mod comment
Titel geändert / changed title Hi there,
in cause of my worse english, I searched a good definiton at
It says there:
A liana is a woody climber that starts at ground level, and uses trees to climb up the canopy where they will spread from tree to tree to get as much light as possible.
You can find the full article here:
There is also a picture.
little tip:
first search with google for it, then ask here. bizzl has written
little tip:
first search with google for it, then ask here.
Thank you, to both of you, now, my last question hopefully,
How does one get a lianas in Stranded, I've looked and done all that i think i could but unfortunately can't find them or get them from anything jump upwards a tree and hit "E" to search arround.
you get mostly leaves or sticks, but sometimes there're also lianas.
i dunno, but i think up the odd shaped tree (two crowns (?)) you'll find them more often then on others. Yes. You often get them in the near of "Liana trees". You can recognize them at their lianas. They hangs down. You must see them. DC Admin
This is the Stranded 1 Forum. Liana trees do not exist in Stranded 1. But there are some palms with some visible lianas in Stranded 1 too. Search there and you'll have a higher chance to succeed in finding lianas. Yes, and therefore I have written "Liana trees".
Why must you always confront my contributions?
And why haven't you answer back. I have sent you an E-Mail. Please answer. Dark Wizard has written
Yes, and therefore I have written "Liana trees".
Why must you always confronts my contributions?
sry dc, but i have to agree (incredible!).
i would call it a "liana tree" too. HW User
Yes. It's not really bad to call palms wich have lianas "liana trees". DE: hey ... ruhig blut jungs...
Palme = name des Baumes für Ottonormalverbraucher.
"Lianenbaum" = Identifizierung des (für S1-Zocker) wichtigsten Merkmales = Lianen-Lieferant
Übrigens ... die palme ist eigentlich ein mitglied der blumenartigen gewächse - "lianenblume" *g*
EN: hey ... calm down boys...
palm = name of the tree for normal people.
"liana tree" = identification of the (for Stranded1 players) important attribute = liana supply
by the way ... the "palmtrees" are a member of the flowerfamily - "liana flower" Please return back to topic.
Palm tree or not palm tree. That is not important in any way. Admin/mod comment
wie war das noch mit dem posten als gast... 1. DW, du solltst nicht immer als Gast posten.
2. Du warst derjenige der sich darüber pikiert hat, dass "deine" ausdrucksweise von DC nicht angenommen wurde. Ich schreibe keine Post hintereinander. Also gibt es keinen Grund als User zu schreiben.
Ich habe das nur so gesagt. Aber ihr macht mal wieder ein Parlamentsgespräch draus. DC Admin
Ich habe nur darauf hingewiesen, dass ein "Lianen Baum" in Stranded 1 nicht existiert. In Stranded 2 jedoch schon, daher dachte ich, dass das eine Verwechslung sei.
Klar kann man auch ne Palme von der Lianen hängen Lianenbaum nennen. Finde ich aber etwas merkwürdig (wenn würde ich es dann Lianen PALME nennen) daher habe ich das garnicht erst bedacht.
Also kein Grund diese Kleinigkeit jetzt wieder endlos breit zu treten. Alle weiteren Posts dazu werden gelöscht da es überflüssig ist.
Und DW: Du sollst IMMER als User schreiben. Es macht keinen Sinn sich zu registrieren, wenn man trotzdem als Gast postet. Ich dachte das wäre langsam klar?! Arghs! Ich fass es nicht (habe übrigens keine Mail erhalten)