serverstats.html apache ?
serverstats.html apache ?
2 repliesDuo User
I would like to ask you if you would like to provide players with a server statistics necessarily need to install apache? If so, what is the lightest
From what I think, it is also possible to transfer a file to the server web hosting. This is a vps with Debian.
What do you recommend I do?
sorry for my english I can't understand anything of what you say. Literal translation is never understandable.
If you want to make it possible for other people to view server statistics on your vps, it is indeed necessary to install some web server such as Apache and create a domain. Using (anonymous) FTP is possible too, but then you would need to give everyone instructions on how to reach it. If you are capable of running a VPS then you should know the answer already. Ofcourse you need an http server ( such as Apache ) to server your serverstats.html file. And installing Apache is no big deal, it can be done in less than 30 minutes. However you would also need to buy a domain inorder for this to be shared easily ( unless you feel fine with distrobuting your IP around, which can get mixed up easily ).