How Many Ppl
How Many Ppl
7 replies I was just wondering who many people play cs2d??
I am always being speed hacked!!! can some1 hook a brother up with 1 or a anti-hack program I dont know, but the cs2d community in the entire world is really big! Only in the brazilian community we have 600 users!
And the cheaters, we cant do anithing yet...We dont have an anti-cheat program...
I don't know any useful anti hack program...
- BUT -
If you're the Server
Ban and kick the bastard(s):
Open console
Get the player ID of the cheater by typing "listplayers"
type "ban [player ID]"
type "kick [player ID]"
If you're not the server: Leave the server and try another one
o yeah
inu yoshi brazil cant be kicked!!! i tupe his name exactly how i see it and it seys its not good idea to kick my self!!! join my server.... [LCS2D]xHell Elfx....
i kick the damn cheater until they die...
usually im on 4~6 american east coast time hey im in lcs2d to
In moment, Cs2D Brasil have 800 brazilians members...
Cs2D Brasil, the biggest community of cs2d!
woooow bulgarians aren't more than 20